Girl Meets Runaway Part 2 (The Christmas Series #2)

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There was real snow here, it's been forever since we had snow in Texas. I'm glad I brought my jacket. I had to make a stop, Pappy Jo.
I knocked on the door, he had the whole place ready for Christmas like he does every year. His jaw dropped to the floor when he saw me at the door. I had to say goodbye..... To my mom.
It was silent in the living room as everyone read there respected letters Garcia wrote them. "This isn't right." Shawn shook his head lowering his letter. "Does she really have a brother she didn't tell you about?" Katie questioned, Shawn shook his head once again. "Her brother died in the army." Shawn finally got out, everyone looked at each other. "She's....." Lucas couldn't get the sentence out. "Gonna kill herself." Josh finished, it was as if someone paused this horrible movie they were in before they ran out the door.

"She had to have gone somewhere by train or by plane." "She got nothing online we would have seen it on our phones." Katie replied, they were going to the train station to ask if anyone has seen her. It looked quiet odd with the whole group of them walking up to the ticket booth with no bags at Christmas time. "Hello. How may I help you?" The woman asked, the four adults stood in front of the kids. "Did a girl by the name of Garcia Finn Hunter buy a ticket from here?" Topanga was the only one calm enough to ask with out screaming. "Let me check." after a few taps on her computer she has something. "Yes one ticket to Austin Texas and the from there another ticket to Philadelphia Pennsylvania." "9 ticket on the next train to Austin."

"I should have known." Lucas said as he sat beside Zay with Maya and Riley across from him. "She's going to say goodbye to her house then is going to Philly." Riley questioned, Lucas nodded. Then Lucas' phone went off and it was Pappy Jo.

Whispers in like this


Lucas did you know Garcia is here?

She's with you!

She told me not to call you but she isn't right Lucas boy

I know we're coming now

You best hurry she's leaving in 2 days

I know we're coming
I'm going to Philly next. Then I'm gone.
I went to Papp Jo because he owns are old house now, I already said goodbye to it. Soon to him as well. I was suppose to be asleep, I heard Pappy Jo on the phone. Then I heard Lucas' name. He lied, he told me he wasn't gonna call them. He did, quickly I packed my bag and out the back window I ran.

The next morning when the group arrived they all rushed into the room where G was standing, but only found an empty bed and a open window.
another chapter done, this ones okay but not my favorite.



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