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i hope you enjoyed reading this!

i just want you all to know that if you're going through something like this, unrequited or not, just don't beat yourself up for it as much as i did.

it's all normal. falling in love is normal, so is falling out. liking girls is normal, so is liking boys, so is liking nobody.

wanting to be a girl is normal, so is wanting to be a boy, so is being genderfluid, so is wanting to be no gender at all.

whatever you are, whatever you do, whatever is happening with you—it's happening with someone else too. you're not alone in this world of 7 billion people and it's time you learn that.

please don't be harsh on yourself. before wanting people to accept you, you need to accept yourself. because there is only one thing you absolutely cannot fall out in love with—

and i know, many comments are going to be "lolzor but i hate myself !!1!1! im so edgy & c00l!!1!1!"
whether you know it or not, you love yourself. for some reason or the other. it might be the most insignificant thing about you or the most important but you can't not love yourself.

maybe you're in denial or you just haven't accepted your love for yourself—either way, i assure you, one day you will fall in love with yourself and you will never fall out. just don't give up on yourself.

you will find love somewhere within you.

falling out of loveWhere stories live. Discover now