Chapter 4: Wild Rehearsal

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Back At Auradon
Mal's POV
It was already nighttime, and I finally arrived back at school. I parked the limo in its spot and saw Evie. "Mal! You ok? Did you find your jewel?", she asked me. I looked down at her and said "Out of all the questions asked. Ok, doesn't sound good." "You want to talk about it?", Evie asked as I told her "no". "Ok, you need some space. I'll be right here, giving you space!", Evie said as I just walked away upset. I couldn't believe that I couldn't find my jewel. This day can't get any worse...
In The Auditorium
Evie's POV
All of us were in the auditorium, getting ready to practice our dance routine for the Jewel Bilee. "Alright, everyone. It's time to practice our dance for the Jewel Bilee. So I want everyone to listen up, or else.", Audrey said. "Or else what?", Jordan asked. "Or, off with our heads! Hehe... Sorry, too much?", Ally said. Audrey then brought up her bom box and said "I just want you all to do your best and follow me." "Why should today be any different?", Mal asked as I heard Jane laugh a bit. Before we got started, I noticed someone was missing. "Hey, Audrey? Where's Genesis?", I asked her. "She said she didn't feel good tonight, so I didn't want to bother her. I can just teach her the dance tomorrow.", Audrey said as she started up the music. Once the music was on, we all began to follow Audrey. As we were all following her moves, for some reason she was kicking her leg back and forth. I didn't know if that was part of the routine, or if she was just being funny. "Ok, that's a weird move.", I said as Jane asked her if it was part of the dance. "Ohhh! I'm out of control!", Audrey said as she smacked Freddie in the face and kicked Jordan's leg. Audrey was moving around like if she was being possessed or something. As some of the girls tried to stop her, she backed them up and they fell off the stage. "Ohhh!!! Ahh!", they all shouted as they fell. Audrey then got up and said "Somebody magic me, Mal!" I couldn't believe that she would think that Mal would magic her. "Why would Mal do that?", I asked her. "Because she's just jealous that she doesn't get to be apart of all of this!", Audrey said. Some of the girls started to tell Audrey that Mal would never do anything like that, and I agreed with them one hundred percent. I then looked at Mal and said "Ok, M. Fun is fun. But you really don't want to get in between Audrey and her big show! As your friend, I strongly advise you to chill!" She then looked at me and said "Gee, Evie. That does sound like a great idea." She then started to walk away and I smiled at her. At least she understand.
My POV (This Is Me Hypnotized, For Reminder)
At The Tourney Field
I was walking with the stranger I met on the isle. We both made our way off the field and headed to the auditorium.
In The Auditorium
I saw Mal walking away after saying something to Evie and I smiled evilly. I took off my goggles (Spoilers in my Viral Gamers story, by the way) and thought of an evil idea to do. I then left the auditorium and headed to someone's dorm, where I would do something evil to make them mad.
One Hour Later...
Audrey's POV
After ended rehearsal for today, me and Jane decided to go back to my dorm. After opening the door I was remembering what happened to me an hour ago. But I was able to let it go. I then got in my dorm and said "Ok, I know that rehearsal turned out really weird today. But I'm sure with my amazing techniques, I think it could be really- *Gasp*" But as I was about to finish my sentence to Jane, I screamed. Because I saw that my room was spray painted. It had a picture of Maleficent and it said "Long Live Evil!" And I know who could've done this. "Mal!", I said in my head.

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