Scene 1

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Opening  Scene. Outside Dance studio (preferably or outside Dance base by tree). Start with Pierrot sitting outside when Harlequin comes out. Pierrot is playing stringed instrument (i.e mandoline)-badly.

Harlequin: Hey

Pierrot: What do you want?

Harlequin: Can’t a guy just talk with his friend?

Pierrot: We AREN’T friends. You just like to sit here and annoy me.

Harlequin: Well, yeah. What do you think friendship is?

Pierrot: Not dating your friends two year crush of which you knew everything about

Harlequin: You’re not still mad about Columbine, are you?

Pierrot: You said you would get me a date with her, not go out with her yourself.

Harlequin: I did go over to get you a date with her, I promise. But when she looked at me like she did…wow.

Pierrot: You a secret romantic or something?

Harlequin: Tell anyone and no girl will touch you with a barge pole

Pierrot: That happens to me already.

Harlequin: Ah, yes, the reason why I’m here. I’m going to coach you in the delicate art of love, so that you can get a girlfriend to make up for how I acted. But first- (Harlequin plucks instrument from Pierrot) If you have to play and instrument, at least get a proper one. Girls like musicians, but  only from this century

Love is a Funny Thing (a commedia dell'arte script)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن