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This script is for a film I am making at my acting school. Love Is a Funny Thing is a Commedia Dell'Arte story based in modern day Scotland. I also though it might help anyone participating in this script if i wrote down the genral idea of the plot so everyone kinda sorta knows whats going on :D

Harlequin- a popular devil who is quite the charmer- decides to help is friend Pierrot- a shy romantic- get a girlfriend. However, Harlequins plan goes wrong when he sets Pierrot to try woo the beautiful Isabella... who is already in a comitted relationship. When Isabella's boyfriend (Flavio) sees what he beleives is Isabella cheating on him, he fly into a jealous rage, ending their relationship. 

However, all is not lost as Columbine- Harlequins smart, beautiful girlfriend that has everyone question why she stays dating Harlequin- finds out Harlequins plan and starts to right his wrong. In the end, Harlequin is forgiven by Pierrot, Flavio and Isabella get back together.

So that about covers the script guys, remember that wendy will be printing out scripts for saturday. If you guys have any questions, contact me! See you all in 3 weeks!!! :D

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