"It's doesn't look small to me."

"It's fine, Harry," I reply, annoyed.

He purses his lips, seeming to hold back a smile.

I look at him weirdly. "What?"

"You don't really say my name that much. Or like at all."

"Yes, I do." But I'm not too sure about that. "Why does it matter anyway? We should be working on our project."

He reclines back. "I'm already done."

"Very funny."

"No, seriously. I am. I can get things done surprisingly quick when there aren't any distractions."

"I only need to finish this last slide and I'm done, too. Wasn't too hard."

"Wait until we get further in the year. Can I have some water?"

You won't get the chance to find out, Styles. "The cups are in the top cupboard," I say out loud.

I hurry up with the last slide. I don't want him snooping around the house without me there. I hear water go into the cup without turning around.

"Done!" I close my laptop.

Styles takes a sip of water and meanders around the kitchen and living room. "This house is really nice." He walks to glass doors leading to the back and whistles. "Amazing view too! This must have cost a fortune."

I stand next to him, making sure there's a knife in the white, bunched-up curtains to my left. "I wouldn't know. I'm not involved in the house-buying process."

I open the doors and a strong breeze travels in. We step out onto the deck.

"Do your parents travel a lot?"

"Yeah, multiple times a month. Sometimes they don't really come home. Just bounce from place to place."

"Sounds lonely."

I wrap my arms around myself, squinting against the breeze. "I'm used to it."

I can sense him staring at me so I twist my body to arch my eyebrows at him.

He smiles a little and refocuses his gaze back on the ocean. "Are you up for a little swim?"

The salty ocean water and warm sand is running in between my toes. I have my bikini on under my clothes that I'll be taking off in minute.

Apparently, Styles had brought an extra set of clothes and trunks. He was going to go to the beach after we finished our project anyway.

The sun is beating down on us, making me glad that I slathered on sunscreen. No wrinkles and sunburn for me thank you very much. There are other people here, but this is a private beach for residents of the beach homes so there's not much of a crowd.

"Are you getting in or what?" Styles laughs, running ahead of me.

I take off my clothes, chucking them behind me, and splash all the way into the water. It's cold at first, but not enough to deter me. I let the waves consume my body. My head pops out of the water, looking for him.

A splash of water hits the back of my head and I swivel around. He's looking around, pretending he didn't do anything.

"Very mature." I roll my eyes and dive into the water. I like being underwater. Everything is so quiet. You feel suspended in a state of calm. You can almost forget all your worries and trifles. Almost.

After a while, I swim back until my feet can touch the sand. I sit down where the tide rolls in while I observe Styles from afar. He waves at me with this huge grin plastered on his face. I slowly return the wave. I can't help but notice as he strides toward me how beads of water drip down the ends of his brown hair. Or how the sunlight glistens off his wet body.

I shake my head to clear these totally inappropriate and uncalled for thoughts. However, they still persist. The sun brings out a beautiful green in his eyes. Those dimples flash at me. Look away look away LOOK AWAY! I tear my eyes away from Harry- I mean Styles. No first names, I remind myself. Keep your head in the game, Y/N.

He sits down next to me and I hear him suck in a breath. "What happened to you?"

I'm so confused for a second that I say, "Huh?" Probably with a stupid look on my face.

He motions to my body like I should know what he is talking about.

I don't see anything at first until I crane my neck to look at my back. There is an ugly bruise blossoming along the lower part of my it.

"Oh shit," I say without thinking. "I knew that asshole would leave a mark!"

Harry- fuck- I mean Styles jumps to his feet. "Someone did that to you!"

I cringe. Now how do I explain this?

Don't forget to vote and comment on each chapter so I know you guys like the story!! 💕💕

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