Ch. 1 - An old photo

Start from the beginning

"Hello Joohyun. Would you like to come home with me?" Seulgi said to the picture. It was labeled 7 pounds.

Seulgi wasn't sure why, but she just had to have this picture. It was more than the fact that this woman was stunningly beautiful, it was much more. But Seulgi just wasn't sure why.

Picture in hand, Seulgi walked to the cash register and put it down.

"Found something I see." He said as he looked at the frame.

Seulgi smiled. "I think she needed a home. Do you know where this picture is from? I got it from that table of new arrivals."

The man appeared to think for a moment and appeared to remember. "Oh yes. Last week they tore down the mansion, on the old Tuan estate. House had been falling apart and empty for ages. The land had been sold to a developer who's going to build a new Tesco supermarket. My nephew who was on the demolition team found this and a box of old junk in the basement. Looked like no one had touched it in over a 100 years. The bankruptcy court had sold off everything and wanted the rest disposed of, but he knew I may make a few dollars with this stuff so he passed it to me. It was just going to get thrown out otherwise. I'm glad you're giving this lady a good home. That will be 7 pounds."

Seulgi handed the man a 10 pound note, got her change and left— picture in hand.

As she walked the 5 blocks to her flat, she felt a strange giddiness to get her new addition home. It was like she wanted to show Joohyun her new home. It was strange since she's probably been dead for decades. In her small one bedroom flat, Seulgi immediately thought of where to put Joohyun. Only one thing came to mind. Her very small bedroom.

After a few moments of thought, Seulgi hung the picture of Joohyun on the wall next to the bed. Over the next few nights as she lay in bed reading, as was her habit before going to bed, her attention would frequently move to the picture of Joohyun.

Seulgi would sit there and wonder who she was, what her voice sounded like. What color were her eyes. Actually Seulgi was obsessed with that. Were they a dark blue or brown? Of course Seulgi always wondered, why was she so unhappy. Seulgi found herself loving to look at the picture. She even moved it closer to the head of the bed so she could see it better. It had a strange hold on her, but she could care less.

Seulgi's POV

I've owned the picture for a week and every passing day it seems to take more and more a hold of me. She's beautiful in a way, I can't even begin to describe. Just seeing her makes my shattered heart, want to beat again.

I never thought I would even want to be with anyone after Krystal. I met her at a party after my sophomore year at Hollywood arts.


She was leaning against a wall, watching people with a discerning look. She was wearing ripped blue jeans, a Slayer t shirt over a faded leather jacket. Her face was an oval one with piercing ice dark eyes and long messy blond dye hair. A moment later she turned and saw me.

She was a Rebel like me. I had been with girls before but I never wanted one as much as I wanted her. I couldn't even begin to understand what those glacier like eyes were doing to me. We had barely made eye contact and I knew she was judging me; checking me for every flaw. That just made her even more appealing.

Her bloody red lips were curved in a scowl that sent shivers down my neck. She looked like the coldest person I had ever met, and that's how I knew I would love her. Then there was those skin-tight pants, she could do no wrong in them. She showed off every single curve of her legs.

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