Chapter 3

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Classes went normal for the two friends, Bendy and Boris. Bendy would be the class clown in almost every class while the taller male would make him stop and knock some sense into the demon's head.

Few hours of switching classes, changing notebooks for each subject, walking and running through the halls, it was finally time for lunch. The bell rang, which made most of the students jump out of their seats, run to their lockers, take out their lunch money or packed snack and rush towards the cafeteria.

"Come on Boris! If we don't hurry up, we wont get the good food that they will serve today!" Bendy told his friend as he stuffed his wallet inside his pant pocket.

"I am fully aware of that!" Boris laughed, who was ready to go with his own money, once Bendy was ready they both bolted like lightning all the way to the cafeteria, not many students had arrived yet, thankfully.

"Phew, that sounds a relief!" Boris smiled, his wolf tail wagged back and forth in happiness like a puppy. Bendy found this sight amusing, 'So adorable!' He thought to himself.

"So, what are you going to get?" The wolf asked his shorter friend as he looked at today's menu.

"Hmm... I guess I'll get a hamburger." Bendy shrugged, "What about you?"

"A... cocktail fruit salad sounds nice." Boris said with a smile.

"Alright Mr. Healthy Eating Man!"

"Oh, sush you!"

Bendy laughed when he received a light punch on his arm from his friend, he leaned against his friend as he tried his best not to fall on his back and laugh his butt off.

"I-I'm gonna cry!" The little demon continued laughing, pressing his face against Boris' arm, hiding his red face.

Boris just stared at him with a pout, but he soon gaze up and laughed with his best friend. He just couldn't stay mad at him.

"Okay, okay!" Bendy breathed, wheezing a little as he tried to calm down from his laughter.

"C-Calm down!" Boris patted Bendy's back, his laughter had turned into giggles.

Once they stopped laughing, they ordered what they wanted and paid, they sat down at their favorite table, on their favorite chairs. They sat at a small table for two, further away from the rest of the students, they enjoyed their company and their company only, no one else's.

"So, how was your morning? Well, besides being late." Boris chuckled.

"It was okay, woke up to the yelling of Richard, Robert and Rose." The demon answered before taking a bite of his hamburger.

"Aww, the two cuties and the grouch!" Boris chuckled. The wolf had met the three siblings a few times in the past, they adored him as if he was their older, protective brother.

"Exactly! I took them to school, walked through the freezing cold town and... that's it." Bendy chuckled as he continued to eat.

"That's good!" The wolf smiled, stabing the fruit with his fork and eating it with grace and politeness.

"How about you? I noticed that you aren't wearing your favorite black tie."

Boris would always wear a long, black tie around his neck. No matter what he wore, he would always have that tie on in one way or another. After all, Bendy gave him that tie for Christmas a few years ago.

"Yeah... I apologize Bendy." Boris' ears fell, "I washed it last night, but it wasn't dry in the morning..."

Bendy felt his heart crack. Seeing Boris with his sad eyes, gis ears down and not up, his voice soft like a sad melody. He just couldn't bare see his best friend like that.

Love's Song (BendyXBoris) BATIMWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu