Chapter 1

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A small figure walked out in the streets, rubbing his hands together as he tried to warm himself up from the harsh cold of the outside. Snow softly fell from the clouds up on the heavens.

The little demon was wearing an old coat that had some holes on it, he wore a very thin scarf (which shouldn't be considered a scarf since it barely even covered his nose and mouth) and his normal clothing under the coat.

He shivered when he felt a cold breeze running past his red cheek, he pulled up his scarf to protect himself a little more. He hated the cold season, winter, especially since he didn't have any warm clothing.

He stopped walking once he had arrived in front of a building, a rather big, fancy looking one. His eyes looked at its details. It was three stories high, two big entrance glass doors, windows everywhere that reflected the bright lights of the inside. Color of chocolate and gold. He sighed as he saw people inside of the building, they were lucky to be inside, away from the freezing weather.

His eyes lit up when he saw a familiar figure walking out of the building, he faintly smiled when he saw him wave at him.

"Greetings Bendy!" The tall wolf said, his voice polite and cheerful.

"Hey Boris!" Bendy waved at his friend, "Ready to go?"

"Certainly!" Boris nodded with a bright smile.

Bendy turned around and started walking forward, his friend soon catching up to him and walking by his side. Bendy noticed that Boris had a bag with him, something that he normally didn't carry. But before he could ask anything Boris interrupted his thoughts with a simple question.

"How was your day?"

"Hmm?" Bendy looked up at the wolf to make eye contact, "My day was normal. I had my silly drum lessons and nearly froze to death, nothing new." He chuckled. "What about you, bud?"

"It was a very normal day for me... I had to go through piano lessons. Once again, I don't hate the instrument, it's a beautiful one actually. But I want to play the cla-"

"The clarinet, I know Boris." Bendy interrupted him hasitantly with a cheeky grin.

"You little demon!" Boris patted Bendy's head, to which the demon reacted with laughter.

The two continued to walk as they chatted about specific details about their day. They even stopped by a coffee shop, Bendy refused to order anything but Boris kept insisting that he would pay for the drinks. Bendy was eventually defeated and ordered some hot chocolate, which Boris also ordered. The two friends then walked out with their warm drinks, which helped them stay warm from the cold snow.

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay you back?" Bendy asked.

"Of course! There is no need to pay me!" Boris smiled, "Your friendship and company is good enough for me!"

"Wow, that was very cheesy!" Bendy bursted out in laughter.

"Do you want me to change my mind?" Boris puffed out his cheeks, he looked quite angry which made Bendy laugh even louder.

"I'm just messin' with ya!" The little demon lightly punched the wolf's arm, which to the taller male only felt like a nudge.

"Actually, there is a way that I can repay you!" Bendy said once he had calmed down from his laughing fit.

"Oh really?" Boris asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah! The place that we are going to right now!" Bendy grabbed Boris by his wrist, quickly dragging him behind him through the icy streets.

Love's Song (BendyXBoris) BATIMWhere stories live. Discover now