Chapter 13 ~ Groups and Gangs (Part 3)

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Raph and Leo ran up to us.

"Guys, what's going on?"

"Nothing, Bekka." I muttered. "I mean Leo!"

Leo sent me a puzzled look. "Geez, Raph."

Raph glared at him. "Hey!"

"GAAAH!" Leo shook his head.

Raph rolled his eyes. "And ya have the dignity to call my Badger-Face."

"Hey," Bekka growled, "I call you Badger-Face."

"Why are we calling each other the names of the bodies we're in?" I depended.

"How should we know, Raph?" They all asked me.

"I'm Ra--I mean Nick!" I shook my head. "We got to get back to Donnie stat."

"I don't think so," chucked someone.

We twirled around come face to face to...

"Shark!" I yelled before my face reddened.

Who seriously names their kid Shark?

'Bob? No...Jeffery? No...oh! How about Shark?'

He laughed some more. His stupid black oily hair, intense electric blue eyes. The retard. "That's a code name. It's Leory."

'Nah, Shark is overrated. Now I know! Leroy!'


He fixed his eyes on my body. "Hello, Nick."

"Hey, bub, I'm Nick!" I growled.

He turned towards me and raised his eyebrow. "Oh? Prove it."

I smirked. "Dustin."

His face turned red. "That was to kill you!"

"It kind of didn't work." Raph blurted. "I mean, a date in Central Park here? That's lame for me."

I stared at him. "Ya have my memories too?"

Leroy fixed his eyes on Bekka's body. "You, you need to die."

Leo's body, the real Bekka, chuckled. "I switched bodies too, retard."

Leory glanced at all of us. "Shredder will be displeased at this. He wants the people in the bodies, but no problem. I'll just kill you all."

"You?" Laughed Bekka. "You will kill us all? That's kind of funny because I beat you with one hit."

Leroy smiled. "Yes, but this time I'm not alone."

We glanced at each other nervously. Who'd he bring with? Karai? Katrina? Rawzar? FishFace? FlyMan (our new name for Baxter Binkboy)?

Leroy grinned which nearly made me gag.

"Oh, Elana!" He called out.

We call took out our weapons, prepared for anything.

What we didn't prepare for was a girl, no younger nor older than us.

She shared Leroy's black hair and cold eyes.

Leroy grinned even more as she stopped at his side.

Elana didn't look like anything special, or anything dull. She looked like a normal teenage girl. Expect for the fact she was wearing ninja get up. Black socks that went to her thighs, a black mouth cover, and the top was kind of a wrap. All black. A chain around her waist held a scabbard with a sort of weapon. A Japanese sword for sure.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 6 (My Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt