Chapter 1

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I walk into school, a big smirk plastered on my face. I'm the unofficial princess and everybody knows it. My arm is linked with my brother's and Toni's, who I had been dating for a years now. Sweetpea joins us and links his arm with Joaquin's spare one.
My name's Cheryl Desantos and I rule Southside high.

But today, no one seems to be focusing on me, strange. In fact, they are all in a circle, trying to catch a glimpse of something or someone else.
I walk over, unlinking my arms. I try to push my way through the crowd but, I just get elbowed back.

"No, let her through" a voice says, the voice of a girl. A pathway forms for me and I see her. She has long, silver hair, piercing ice blue eyes and freckles dottex around her face. She's beautiful.

I smile at her and hold put my hand.
"Hi, I'm Cheryl Desantos, princess and ruler of Southside high"
She doesn't take my hand, she smirks.
"In sorry honey but, your reign is over. In here now"

She did not just say that. No one takes away my crown.
Without thinking, I punch her square in the nose. Her three minions had gone to fight Joaquin, Toni and Sweetpea but, I was confident my side were winning.
She then tried to punch me but I dodged it and punch her again in the nose, causing it to bleed and crack.

She screamed and all the teachers came running to the hall, including the pricipal.
"DESANTOS! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?" he yelled at me, then turning to my friends who had the silver bitches minions at their feet, nearly unconscious.

Since the Serpents and Northsiders hated each other, he didn't care if we beat anyone up, no one did.

We arrive after a 10 minute car journey. The Southside principal tells Northside principal about us and gave him our files.
He then left without a good bye and the Northsider looks at us.
"We're going down to the assembly hall, to introduce you. To the whole school"

Toni instantly grabs my hand. She hates standing in front of big crowds. Joaquin amd Sweetpea comb there hair, one hoping to find a cute gay guy, the other hoping to find a cute girl.
Walking to the hall was silent, no one was in the corridor except us and we all refused to talk.

Toni and I help hands thw whole way while Joaquin and Sweetpea were still focusing on their looks. I saw Joaquin pin a pride flag on his jacket, causing me to smile.
We are directed in and to the front.

"Today, we have four transfers from Southside high joining our school," this caused an eruption of boos.
The principle stepped in side and offered one of us the podium, wanting us to talk about our selves.

Joaquin took it and smirked and loads of girls sighed, but he mostly smirked at a boy sitting in the frount row, who was fixing his hair and trying to look good for my brother.
"Hey, my names Joaquin Desantos, I'm a serpent and I'm gay"

He smirks as the girls groan and some yell 'no'. A smile grows on the face of the boy from earlier.
The principle then takes the mic and states that Kevin Keller will be guiding Joaquin around.
The boy that we keep seeing jumps up from his seat and half runs over to my brother, obviously finding him cute.

Toni and Sweetpea then take the stand, expailing stuff about themsleves. Toni was set Jughead Jones as a tour guide and Sweetpea was set Reggie Mantle.

I am the last to take the mic.
"Hello, my names Cheryl Desantos. Joaquin is my adoptive brother as I was abandoned by the Blossoms at a young age"
Suddenly, every one turned to a red haired boy who, I can only guess is my twin brother, Jason.
"I'm am dating Toni Topaz so, if you hurt her in anyway, I will break your nose. Just like I did to a girl in Southside high" I smile as a back down from the stand.

I am set Veronica Lodge as a tour guide and, I've got abmit, I like her style.
When I turn back to my friends I hear Toni and her guide talking about serial killers. I see Joaquin flirting with his guide and I see Sweetpea and his guide acting like stereotypical jocks.

Well, this can either be fun or be hell, so, let's find out.

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