Chapter 16 - Laurene's POV

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Ellison's POV

I return home to answer many missed calls from my father, grandmother, agent and assistant. My father asked me if the rumours were true, which hurt a lot actually. I cannot believe that he would think that I am like that. Just because I like to party and drink does not mean that I do anything illegal or bad. With a scowl, I choked out a no before slamming my phone down on the table. He must think that I am a bad person, which is horrible coming from the man who made and raised you. Just about. If he is thinking the worst of me, then what can be said for the millions of people, reading the articles greedily hungering for information that is ever more scandalous? They must love this, spreading the rumours like a fire, which once burnt out will leave the ashes of my reputation and respect. They must imagine me to be an awful person, with no morals. The worst part is they will be enjoying my downfall, not caring that everything I have worked for could be ruined with a mistake as major as this. With a sigh, I ring my grandma who is dreadfully excited about me getting married, and desperately wants to meet Laurene. Laurene.

She is so pure and beautiful, and I find myself thinking about her more then I should. I saw some pictures that were released earlier – the press broke into her garden when I was sleeping, and she has her palm laid across my cheek whilst looking at me lovingly. Lovingly. However, of course it is just as a friend. I am not good enough for a pure soul like her.

Whilst I am thinking about her, my phone goes off and it is from her. A smile automatically jumps onto my face through the fact that she is most likely thinking about me. She has invited me to go to Greece for a business trip with her. Greece is my homeland, and I actually have a mansion over there. I lived there until I was five, when my dad relocated us back to New York because of the business, and departure of my mother. Thinking about going on a holiday with Laurene sounds perfect and intimate. Who knows what could happen? Instead of replying, in my anticipation, I jump up and drive to her house to discuss the travel arrangements. Maybe because I marginally miss her as well.

As soon as I pull up, I see a couple of stray reporters hanging around the gates, and two security people standing behind it, making sure they don't brake in. As soon as the press see me pull up, they descend like lions onto their prey, as a flash of lights and yelling reporters surround my car. The security let me through, recognising me immediately, and struggle to keep the reporters back that are going crazy like I am the last piece of food on earth. I pull up to the house, and am directed to Laurene's gym by a maid.

I hear loud music pulsating through the walls, and reach some double doors with one slightly ajar sending out the loudest amount of music. What greets me when I push open the door makes my eyes bulge out of my sockets. Laurene is in the middle of the room; dancing around a pole in the most erotic dance I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. The music and her move as one, as I shamefully allow my eyes to roam down her barely covered body. When she said that she was a dancer, I imagined a graceful ballerina, not a smoking pole dancer. Maybe she is not as innocent as I thought. I wonder if I am the first person to ever witness her behaving in such a provocative way, and what possessed her to learn how to dance like this – is she secretly a stripper? She looks like a professional. I get a strange sense of jealousy, thinking about how other men could have seen her like this, but I try to push it down and squash it as I have no right too. If she is a stripper, then she can wave good-bye to that job when we get married. I mean if we get married.

Suddenly the music stops and she slides down the pole looking exhausted. A layer of sweat gleams her skin, and her hair is wild, but there is something about her that makes her look damn sexy. God how can I survive her? Before I get a chance to hide she turns around and looks me straight in the eye. She immediately turns bright red, and looks likes she wants to die on the spot. I immediately want to comfort her, and it actually pains me seeing her look so humiliated and exposed.

"Laurene, I erm was just here to erm discuss the arrangements for tomorrow?" My voice is slightly squeaky and it sounds like I was trying to convince myself that that is what I was doing.

"Oh erm... That is ok. Erm lets go to my lounge." She mumbles.

"Laurene wait. I well, I. I am sorry if I intruded on you. I didn't think you would be dancing provocatively around a pole." I explain with a half smile.

"Before you ask, I do not dance for ANYONE. And I do it for exercise, not other people's entertainment." She shudders slightly at the end of her speech.

"So... you're not a stripper?" I ask her sheepishly. Her eyes widen, and I think they are going to bulge out of her head.

"What! No!" She screams in repulsion. "Of course not! Why would you think that? If you must know, I Kendall and Serafina had pole dancing lessons. Serafina's idea. It was a dare and Kendall never went again – she is a bit heavy footed, but I actually loved it. It's so carefree and you can more how you want – it's not strict and regulated like ballet." She finishes.

"Oh ok. I am sorry. You do not really strike me as a stripper type. However, you are good. Really good." I explain with a dreamy chuckle. What is wrong with me?

Laurene's POV

As soon as Ellison utters those words, I let a smile sprout on my lips like a flower opening its petals. I thought he would be immature or make fun of me, but the earnest smile on his face states otherwise. I think I just melted. Alternatively, spontaneously combusted. Moreover, that is when I realise it. Ellison is no longer the jerk I met six weeks ago. He is slowly evolving into a better person that continually catches me off guard, and steals my breath away. However, what became clear like the last piece of a puzzle being slotted into place is that I have feelings for Ellison. Romantic ones. Moreover, I need to carefully guard my heart, because even though he is a kinder, sweeter person, it does not mean that he is not still a player. And who am I to change him? This is not some story with the good girl changing the bad boy. This is reality, bad boys want equally as bad girls – someone experienced, naughty. Not a prim and mostly proper businesswoman. After all, I am just the girl he has to marry.


Ooooo so what do you think? Laurene is Secretly a pole dancer! Lol 😂 Do you think anything will happen whilst they're in Greece? I will update soon babes!


The Arrangement: It Led Me To LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang