Chapter 6-Dendy's last thought

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Hey guys, Ivy here! Welcome to the near half way point of the story! I'm so glad you dudes like this story! I know you guys have A LOT of questions, so, next chapter I will post a Q and A with chapter 7. Ok, back to writing mode. Enjoy!
Song-Last thought by Aldona Vide
"But K.O., I was in the infirmary for 2 weeks and not once did you visit me.".

Dendy had just been released from the infirmary after being there for 2 weeks in time. K.O. had promised her that he would visit her, but all the time of visiting his dad with Lil, he had forgotten all about her.

"I'm sorry, it slipped out of my mind.", K.O. said back. K.O. didn't look sorry at all. His brown eyes looked a bit more of a glassy color, in fact, it looked like his eyes WERE made out of glass(A/N 3:THIS IS IMPORTANT!  Take notes about K.O. now having glassy-like eyes people!).

"No, I don't know.", Dendy replied. "How would I know if you never came to visit me?".

"Oh, well. I've been busy. Trust me.".

And it was when K.O. had said those 2 simple words "trust me" that something clicked in Dendy's brain. She didn't trust him. Not one little bit. And she was gonna find out why soon. What had change her friend? It was no longer a question. Dendy guessed that she wouldn't want to be apart in whatever K.O. was doing, nonetheless. Until then, she had to keep her thoughts to herself, but as soon as she figured out, she would tell Carol right away. Before that, she asked K.O. one question. "K.O., I want to know something.".

"Yeah. Sure. Anything, Dendy.".

"What's Lil really like?".

"What do you mean?".

"I mean it seems strange to me that she always wants you off by yourself.".

"Off by myself?".

"Yeah, it's kind of like she's jealous.".

"Jealous?", K.O. said as he stared blankly into space.

"Yeah, jealous. I don't think real friends are jealous.".


It's useless, Dendy thought. All K.O. did was echo back her words. This wasn't a conversation at all. She didn't know what it was, but has certainly was not two good friends talking.

So Dendy watched K.O. carefully for several days. She noticed nothing unusual. But then a week after she got out of the infirmary, as the days of summer(A/N 4:YES, THE STORY STARTS IN SUMMER FOOLS!)began to shorten and fall was upon the plaza, were the days got shorter and the nights got longer, Dendy noticed that K.O. would go off by himself at the end of the day.

The third time this happened, Dendy decided to follow him to get to the bottom of this.


It was a dark, moonless night.  Thick fog covered the stars in the sky.  Dendy was surprised when she saw K.O. walk south.  She had thought they way he was going was north.  But she remembered that the south side of the woods is a bad place.  Why would K.O. ever want to go there?  What had drawn him to go there?  If its gonna take the south of the woods to figure this out, then I will go, she thought.  She night have been young, but she was strong, of love and heart.

So Dendy continued to follow her friend.  She did wonder, however, what K.O. was holding in his hand.  They looked like papers of some sort.  He didn't have them in the beginning of his walk.  Where did he get those papers?, Dendy wanted to ask that to K.O., but kept silent.

K.O. had just started to walk into a house.  Dendy followed right after him silently without being noticed.

K.O. had already stopped in his tracks when he saw a figure in front of him.  "Dad!", he said.

Dad?!  Is he crazy!?  And if this is his dad, why hadn't he told his mom?, Dendy thought.  That was her third to last thought.

K.O. had handed over the pages he had during his walk over to the figure.

"Thank you so much, Kaio.", the figure said back.

"Where's mom?", K.O. asked to the figure.

"She's busy.", answered the figure.

Dendy blinked in utter confusion.  Carol?  Out doing business in the woods?  Carol was at the plaza.  And that was Dendy's second to last thought.  Her eyes flinched.  There was a blinding glare, and then nothing.  She felt being stuffed into something.

And that was how Dendy came to her last thought:She was being stuffed into a sack.  She knew that some heroes have died from being stuffed into sacks because of a lack of air.  Dendy would join them in a heroic way.

I shall die like a hero, I shall die.

And that was her last thought.


I brought Dendy back and got rid of her so fast.  And don't worry:She isn't dead.  I couldn't kill off a main character!  What monster would do that.....*cough* @Mini_Crushies and @EndieStories *cough*.  I'm not saying the're BAD people, I'm just saying one of there stories ended K.O. dyeing.  Just saying......don't kill me.

Anyways what will happen to our main characters?  Find out soon!

Ivy out(PS this is the longest chapter with 875 words.).

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