Chapter twenty four

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( Perspective of John )

I woke up the next morning with soreness in my abdomen and in my jaw. I glanced over at the clock and could barely see the numbers. I stared long enough and figured out that I had about a minute before my alarm clock would go off.

I pressed the reset button, and I just laid there, staring up at the ceiling. I hated not having my glasses, and I knew that today would be a pain without them. I glanced to my left and I jumped at the sight of Liam on his phone.

"Did I scare you?"


"Sorry about it."

He's not sorry.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the bed to get ready for my class. Liam didn't have a class today, but being that I couldn't see as well, he had to drive me.

As I walked to class, I saw Jack's friends as they walked into a different class. I could faintly see a bruise on one of their faces; that's definitely Liam's doing.

I walked into my class and was met with warm greetings.

"Hi John!"

A couple of guys and a few girls walked up to me and offered to take my books. I motioned for them that it was okay, but they insisted and took my books anyway. They took my books to my desk and sat next to me. I felt weird with all the attention, but I appreciated their kindness.

Liam was parked outside and waited for me to come so he could take me home. When I made it to the car, I opened the door and sat down.

"Hey sexy buns, are you feeling better?"

I nodded.

"That's good, I'm so glad you're okay."

He reached into his back seat and handed me a bag. I gave him a questioning look, and he rolled his eyes.

"It's your glasses John."

I reached into the bag and opened up a small box with my new pair of glasses. I placed them on and the world was normal again.


I met Cassandra as I was walking past her to wait a table.

"Hey John! The bruise is fading a little I see."


"Whenever it fully fades, I want you and I to have an hour long conversation; I miss your voice."

I weakly smiled and nodded. She gave me a thumbs up as I walked to a table.

I figured that I would use the job's iPad and type down what I'd say to my tables, since I can't really talk.

I walked over to a table of three; there were two men and a little boy sitting beside one of them. One of the men was Caucasian, with green eyes and blonde hair. The other was African American, with light caramel skin and had hazel eyes. The little boy looked as if he was related to the Caucasian guy, as they shared similar features.

I started typing as they sat there staring at me. After I was done typing, I showed them the iPad.

"Hello, my name is John. I'll be your waiter tonight."

When I showed it to them, they read it and smiled.

"Hey John," the African American guy said.

"I'm Isaiah, and this is David," he gestured towards the other guy as he waved.

"And that's his brother, Roderick."

Isaiah pointed to the little boy. I smiled and typed some more into my iPad.

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