Chapter seven

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( Perspective of Johnathan)

It was the next day, and Liam and I were on our way to school. Last night, I had to wait about twenty eight tables, and when I got back home, I was extremely exhausted. Liam didn't speak much this morning, and I was kind of missing his witty banter.

"Liam, are you doing alright?"

As Liam glanced over at me, I saw the prominent bruise on his cheek, and I gave him an apologetic expression.

"I'm fine."

I didn't like to pry when someone said that they were fine, but deep down, I knew that he wasn't fine. I decided not to ask him anything else and just settled for the silence.

Today, we had our English subject together, and I remembered for a fact that the guy that hurt Liam would be in that class without his entourage.

As Liam walked close beside me, looking depressed, I wrapped my arm around him, letting him rest his head on my shoulder.

"It'll be fine Liam."

"I know..."

We received looks from random people walking the opposite direction of us, and honestly, neither of us cared. He and I have been friends forever and we're super touchy-feel with each other.

It'd be like if two girls were super close friends; girls touch each other all the time. Yet, when guys do it, it's all of a sudden a big deal.

We walked to the door of the class and he sighed and gave me a "kill me" Look.

"Liam, you're the most confident person I know, don't let them see you like this."


He immediately changed his facial expression as best he could with the bruise on his cheek and then walked in ahead of me. Following in behind him, I could see that everyone was staring at him.

He sat near the wall as I sat on the left of him.

The guy that ambushed Liam walked into the room and people started whispering. I heard a female's voice say the word "asshole."

He smirked as he walked over to us and as I glared daggers at him, he continued on his path.

I stood up and stepped in front of him, shielding him from Liam.

"What do you want?"

"Move little bitch."

"No, just back off. We don't want any trouble."

He pushed me, and I stumbled backwards, falling down.

Where is the teacher? What the heck.

I heard a shuffle come from behind me, and I saw as Liam stood in front of me with his fists balled and ready to use. A couple of guys came from around the room and held the guy back as I stood to hold back Liam.

"No Liam."

He stared at me and didn't seem to calm down at all.

"Let me go," he grunted.

"What the hel...err what in the world is going on here?"

The teacher had finally made it in the class and saw everything that was going on.

Liam glanced at me, and I let him go. He hurriedly walked out of the class.

"Will someone explain what's going on," the teacher yelled.

"Hey man, I'll give you guys the notes for today... just go after him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," a random guy I have never spoken to said this.

"Are you sure?"

"Yea, I've got you, my name is Chris by the way."

"I'm John, and thanks."

I pushed past the group of people and received a questioning look from the professor. Running down the stairs and into the hall, I saw him speed walking towards the exit of the school.

I ran faster, trying to catch him.


He stopped without turning around, and I was next to him within moments.

"Are you ok?"

"Honestly, I'm not. I'm tired of this shit."

Liam and this bully have actually been at it with each other for a while. The fact that he's in college and is actually bullying someone, only shows how childish he is.

It was only yesterday when Liam embarrassed him publicly that he and his entourage jumped Liam.

"I'm so sick of Jack and his bull, I can't take this anymore."

So his name is Jack; I wonder why I didn't know that before.

Liam started to tear up and his face began to distort.

"Let's just go home man, I have a guy taking notes for us."

In my car, he sat there drying away his tears with his wrists.

"Liam, just listen to me for a second."

He nodded.

"This guy... Jack. I don't even know where to start. I hate seeing you like this. The guy is an asshole, don't let what he does get to you... I know that's easier said than done obviously, but I'm here for you."

"I... I just can't anymore man... when he pushed you... I don't know."

"It's fine, I'm fine."

I began to drive us home.

"It's not fine, he hurt me, and he's going to hurt you... your dumb ass, defending me and all. It's alright if he comes for me, but he can't mess with you... you're my family... last bit of family I have."

I was silent.

He stared to cry again.

"I... need you John. You're the only one I truly trust and I can't have you getting hurt because of me."

His voice was shaky and raspy as he struggled to keep from crying.

"I love you..."

"I love you too," I softly retorted.

When we got home, Liam just seemed like a mindless zombie. I glanced at him from the living room as he walked to the bedroom. I followed him, and I heard him crying again.


I opened our bedroom door and I saw him with his face buried in his pillow. I laid next to him, with my body facing his as I stared at him. I patted his back, and he scooted closer to me, letting his face burry into my chest.

I held him close and just wanted him to stop crying. I wanted his worries to go away and I wanted all of the stress and pain leave to leave him alone.

Later in the afternoon, I'd had to go to work for a short time. As the time approached for me to leave, Liam seemed to calm down more. I didn't mind having him cuddled up against me on our couch, as we watched cartoons. I'd rather him cuddle with me than cry.

I held him close as he silently fell asleep under my arm. I gave him a small kiss on his head and I caressed his shoulder.

Looking in on our friendship, I'd see why anyone would think we were dating. But truly, we're just really close friends. It's stupid that I even have to clarify things like that, because comforting a friend requires actual loving contact sometimes.

I left Liam on the couch with a few blankets covering him, and I went to work.

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