...Boy's night out...

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What really is a BOYS NIGHT OUT? Well it's obviously a night for the boys to get away from their woman, get drunk and do a lot of stupid things their girlfriends would normally frown upon. Waking up the next morning with a terrible hangover, and not remembering what they did the night before. If they do remember, then they feel ashamed and guilty if they did something. If they didn't do anything, they usually go to the girlfriend the next day feeling sick and looking for sympathy. But one way or another, it's a night for the boys to let go and have 'fun'?
Should we try defining fun? Let's try.
He may go out with the intention of finding another woman and taking her home with him, or he may be just out for a good night, with no intention of meeting anyone. The fact is, put some alcohol into their system, start playing cold chisel, and their hormones become wild. Instantly they need a woman. If you're lucky, you may have a man who decides to come to your place, instead of finding someone else. But it is more likely that he will find some beautiful blonde, in a little black dress, standing in a corner, staring at him, willing him to make a move. All men have done it at some stage, no matter how faithful they are.
I'm not saying that guys should give up their boy's nights out. It's just that when there's a boy's night out, they tend to go crazy. How many times have you gone out with the girls, and seen a group of guys on a boy's night out? Now remember what they were getting up to. Exactly. Men can't control their hormones. I was talking to a few guys about their boy's night outs. I asked them what their main aim was when they went out. One guy, I'll call him Daniel, told me he went out with the boys to get away from his girlfriends' constant nagging. Even though he still loves his girlfriend, he needs to go out and pick up a 'stray' or two every now and then. This is a one-night stand. He added that if she had a friend, he often invited her along to. There was nothing better than having two girls in bed together.
Daniel has been with his girlfriend for three years, now he's bored and wants to play. He says he needs new flesh every now and then. He and his mate Stuart go out. They drink a lot, and meet girls. They are both good looking, so it isn't hard for them to attract these women. They talk to them, buy them a few drinks, and at the end of the night, they have them right where they want them. In their beds. They do it so often, they have become experts. Their girlfriends never suspected a thing.
The bottom line is, if he is really serious about you, then Boys Night Out, will become something that's done every now and then, not three times a week.

The bottom line is, if he is really serious about you, then Boys Night Out, will become something that's done every now and then, not three times a week

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