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There are no words that I could use to sarcastically and smugly thank the guy who got me mad enough to write the cheaters guide and expose all his dirty little secrets. This is for all those woman out there who have been used and hurt by cheating men. A good insight into the mind of an expert cheat. A man who got away with cheating on his girlfriend for three years without her ever finding out.
Unfortunately, she married this man and to this day has no idea about the women that came and went from his bed on a regular basis.    

A word about the cheaters guide

I wrote the cheaters guide after bumping into an ex-lover at a nightclub. We slept with each other, then I found out he had a girlfriend. For the next eleven months, he continually told me that he was going to break up with her. We were sleeping with each other at least two to three times a week. After about six months, he was still telling me he was going to break up with her. I told him to shut up. That I knew he had no intention of breaking up with her, and that I didn't want to hear him mention her name again. It was bad enough he had photos of her around his room.
So yes, I was one of these women who would stop at nothing to get what I wanted. Then again, I'm sure most women have done this at some time or another. Except after six months, all I wanted was information on what he did, what he said, and how he did what he did. My soul reason, well here it is.
While I was in this "relationship", or whatever you'd call it, without realizing it, I was gathering a lot of information for this guide. He gave me a great insight into the reasons why men cheat, and how they really feel about their girlfriend, and about the proverbial 'other' woman.
One thing you must take note about is; if your partner is only doing one or two of the signs I will tell you about, this might not mean he is cheating. You'll find, a combination of changes he makes, will be what you need to keep a close eye on.
So take notice of the signs I'm about to give you, cause this could happen to any one of you, and probably has already...

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