~Superficial Love~ IAmWildcat

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"(Y/N)!" Tyler called after me as I brought my suitcase to the door. I turned to face him. He was standing at the top of the stairs, a confused look on his face. "What are you doing?"
  I let out a sigh, "What does it look like I'm doing Tyler. I'm leaving." His eyes widened as he began to walk downstairs.
  "What do you mean you're leaving?"
  "I mean I'm leaving. I'm moving out." I explained.
  "Why?" Tyler asked. I noticed his eyes were filled with sadness, which broke my heart, but I was determined to stay strong.
  "Because we're done Tyler." He looked at me with a shocked expression on his face.
  "Why?" He asked as he placed his hands on my arms, "Am I not good enough for you?"
  "No," I began, "it seems that I wasn't good enough for you."
  "(Y/N) that's not true and you know it," Tyler replied slightly outraged.
  "Then why am I never your first choice when it come to being with a girl," I argued, "You always have time for any other girl, but when it comes to me you're always too busy. I'm sick of it Tyler. I'm not some trophy you can just place on a shelf for it to collect dust." Tyler seemed shocked with what I had just said. I opened the front door and carried my suitcase to my car, Tyler following right behind me.
  "Where do you plan on staying?"
  "Craig and Sami said I can stay in their guest room until I find a place of my own, or until you come to your senses and realize girlfriends aren't just objects," I answered as I placed my luggage in the trunk.
  "So that's it?" Tyler questioned, he was obviously letting his emotions get the better of him, "You're moving to California?"
  "Yes," I answered in a calm voice, knowing he would probably explode in any minute.
  "Does our relationship really means that little to you?" Now it was my turn to start letting my emotions get the better of me.
  "I'm doing this because our relationship seems to mean so little to you!" I exclaimed, poking him in the chest, "I love you Tyler, but I'm not your number one choice, so until I am we're done!"
  "You were always my number one choice!" Tyler yelled in response, "If you weren't why the f*** would I have been dating you for over a year!"
  I opened my car door and gave him an upset look as I sat down in the driver's seat, "Then you should've treated me like I was." I slammed my door shut and locked it. Tyler pounded on my window, yelling at me to open the door. I started the car and backed out the driveway as Tyler continued to yell. I held back my tears as I drove away.

~~~Time Skip~~~

  Sami was helping me get situated in their guest bedroom when Craig entered, talking to someone on his phone.
  "(Y/N)," he said gaining my attention, "it's Tyler, he wants to talk to you."
  "Tell him that I would rather not talk to him right now," I replied as I continued to place my clothes in the dresser.
  "He said that if you don't talk to him right now he's going to fly to California and personally bring you back home."
  I turned to face Mini, "Tell him that one, that's not my home anymore and two, he can try, but as of right now I'm not going anywhere with him." Craig nodded and left the room so that he could finish his talk with Tyler in privacy.
  I let out a sigh and sat on the edge of my bed. "I'm really sorry I got you two wrapped into this mess," I said looking up at Sami.
  "Hey, I'm your best friend, and Craig is Tyler's," she chuckled as she sat down next to me, "we were bound to get wrapped up in this mess in one way or another."
  I looked down at my hands and noticed I was still wearing the promise ring Tyler had given to me for my birthday. "Sami, did I do the right thing?"
  "To be honest (Y/N), I think you did. You're testing him to see if you actually are his first choice." I gave her a small smile.
  "Thanks Sami."

~~~Time Skip~~~

  It'd been a week since I began living with Craig and Sami. Tyler had called Craig everyday since I left, I would always tell Craig that I didn't want to talk to him, but today he hadn't called. I was sitting on the couch playing MarioKart with Sami when we heard a loud knock on the door.
  "I'll get it," Craig said as he walked towards the door.
  Sami and I continued to play until we heard Mini yell, "What the h*** man!"
  I knew immediately what was going on. He was here. He actually came to get me.
  I quickly made my way towards the stairs as I heard him beginning to search room by room. I continued to quietly run around upstairs trying to find a place to hide until I entered Craig's recording room. I could hear Tyler coming up the stairs with Craig and Sami close behind.
  I locked the door and hid under Craig's desk. I could hear muffled voices outside the door as well as the handle moving. I pulled my knees closer to my chest, knowing it was only a matter of time before Tyler convinced Mini to open it.
  After a few minutes, I heard the lock click and the door swing open.
  "Dude, chill!" Craig exclaimed as the three entered the room, "We just got done with fixing the house!"
  Tyler ignored him, "(Y/N) stop hiding like a child, I know you're in here!"
  "I told you Tyler," Sami spoke up, "she's not here. David's in L.A. so she's visiting him right now."
  "Sami if you're lying to me-"
  "She's not," Craig said, cutting Tyler off in order to protect his girlfriend.
  "Fine," Tyler sighed, "then I guess I'll go pay Nogla a visit." I listened to him leave the room.
  "I'll go see him out," Craig said as he left.
There was silence for a few moments before Sami spoke up, "Did you really have to hide from him?"
I placed my forehead on my knees, "I'm not ready to see him yet."
Sami crouched down to look at me, "Well once he finds out that you're not at Nogla's, he's going to come back here."
"What if I go to Nolga's?" I asked.
"Sami get your keys, I'm going to spend the night at Nogla's place."

~~~Time Skip~~~

  I knocked on Nogla's door. He sluggishly opened the door and looked down at me.
  "(Y/N), what are you doing here?" He asked with a yawn, "Tyler was just here looking for you, I can call him if you want."
  "No," I sighed shaking my head, "I'm not wanting to see him right now."
  "What do you mean?"
  I explained everything that had happened to him, hoping he'd take my side and help me.
  "So you need to stay in the guest bedroom?" Nogla asked as he let me inside.
  "Just until Tyler goes back to Indiana," I sighed.
  "You realize he's not going back without you right?" David asked.
  "I know, I'm just not ready to face him just yet."
  "You do miss him don't you?" Nogla questioned as he sat down on the couch.
  "Of course I do," I sighed as I curled up into a ball on the couch next to him.
  "Then why are you running away from him?"
  "I-I'm just... scared. I'm scared that if I go back everything will still be the way it was. I don't want to be treated like a trophy."
  "(Y/N), Tyler drove all the way here from Indiana. Now my geography of America is pretty bad, but even I now that that's one h*** of a drive. I understand why you're hesitant about going back, but I think he deserves a second chance." I nodded my head and stood up.
  "Could you show me the guest room? It's been a long day." David nodded and showed me to my room. I thanked him and shut the door before laying on the bed and slowly drifting off to sleep.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I woke up to someone picking me up and throwing me over their shoulder. I caught a whiff of their cologne and immediately knew who it was.
"Let me go Tyler!" I yelled as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp.
"You already know I'm not going to do that," Tyler replied as calmly as he could.
"David!" I cried out as I was carried into the living room.
Nogla came downstairs a looked at Tyler in shock, "How did you get in here!"
"Lui let me in," Tyler answered as Lui appeared from the kitchen.
"Lui!" David exclaimed, "What the heck man!"
"Nobody told me what was going on," Lui defended himself, "Maybe tell your roommate the next time you're trying to hide someone in our house!"
"Lui can you bring (Y/N)'s bag to my car?" Tyler asked as he carried me out of the house, "I'm taking her home."
I continued to fight and yell at him as he opened the car door and placed me inside. He grabbed my wrist and kissed me in order to shut me up and get me to stop hitting him. He let me go and quickly shut the door. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.
"Really Tyler, child lock!" I yell at him as I pounded against the window. He smirked at me before walking over to Nogla and Lui and grabbing my suitcase from them. He placed my bag in the trunk and got into the driver's seat. This was going to be a long thirty hours.

~~~Time Skip~~~

By the time we got back home we were both exhausted. Neither of us said anything the entire drive, even though it was obvious that we both had a lot to tell each other.
I didn't fight him as he carried me inside. He laid down on the couch not letting me go, and to be honest I didn't mind it. I had missed him a lot.
After a few minutes of us laying there, Tyler broke the silence.
"I'm sorry I never made time for you. I'm going to make up for it I promise, just please don't ever do that to me again."
"Awe, are you saying that you missed me," I teased.
"Of course I missed you!" Tyler exclaimed, holding onto me tighter, "And if you ever think about pulling that stunt again, I'm never going to let you out of my sight."
"Alright," I laughed, "I won't do it again, I promise."
"Good," Tyler let out a sigh of relief as he smiled, "I love you (Y/N)."
"I love you too Tyler."

(A/N)- I did it! I finished another one! I hope you all enjoyed this 1847 word long chapter! I'm currently sick so this is the only enjoyment I get. I am literally stuck in a pitch black room with no windows so that's pretty fun. I'm also sort of delusional, which kind of makes this all sound really weird, especially because I'm not typing any of this, at least not the authors note. Instead, I'm using voice command thingy that iPhones have. I haven't slept in so many days that this is the only way I can write things. anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm gonna trying go to bed now. See you in the next chapter!

Also, I actually did look up how long it would take to drive from LA to Indianapolis and it actually was 30 hours and 8 minutes.

Requested by @cnvallet0214

Be sure to leave any requests you have in the comments!

Love ya ~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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