~Animal~ Delirious

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  "Alright Jonathan," I said as I closed the file in my hand and stood up, "I think we've made some great progress today."
  "That's wonderful news doc!" Jonathan exclaimed with a Cheshire grin.
  Though my job as a psychologist in the most dangerous insane asylum in the nation, Sacred Minds Asylum, was terrifying, I actually enjoyed it, not to mention the pay was amazing. I wasn't like your stereotypical asylum doctor, I actually did my job and tried to help the patients that were stuck in here. I especially enjoyed my time with my most dangerous patient, Jonathan Dennis. I was always told that he was the deadliest occupant here, but I never saw that side of him. Sure he was insane, but I never saw him as the type of insane that kidnaped and attacked a total of fifty people. Maybe my time with him was helping.
  "Maybe one day you'll be healthy enough to leave this place," I said with a sweet smile.
  "I was thinking the same thing," Jonathan replied with a crazy laugh.
  "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Jonathan," I replied as I left the room.
  "Oh, I think we'll be seeing each other a lot sooner than that," Jonathan chuckled as I locked his door. I stood still for a minute confused as to why he would say that, but I quickly shrugged it off and went to my office, I mean he was crazy after all.
  I entered my office and put away Jonathan's file before packing my things up. I grabbed my bag and coat and left the asylum.

~~~Time skip~~~

  I finally made it home and put on some comfortable sweatpants and a warm sweater before making myself dinner. I quickly ate and cleaned my dishes.
  After I had finished dinner, I went to my home office and looked over a copy of Jonathan's file that I kept. I began to pace the room, trying to figure out ways to make him more sane. My cellphone began to ring. I looked at who was calling me and noticed it was one of the nurses I worked with. I felt a chill go down my spine as I answered the call.

  "Dr. (Y/N)!" The nurse exclaimed. Her voice was laced with panic. "Thank goodness you're okay!"
  "Why would I not be okay?" I questioned.
  "H-He escaped."
  "Who escaped?"
  "Jonathan Dennis!" I froze as I heard her say his name. I remembered what he told me before I left, "I think we'll be seeing each other a lot sooner than that".
  My phone fell out of my hand. He was coming for me, I had to hide. I quickly turned to leave my office only to run into someone and fall onto my butt.
  I looked up to see a man in an electric blue hoodie and black jeans.
  "I told you we'd see each other a lot sooner that tomorrow," He said, laughing that unforgettable laugh. I was too frightened to move. "What, you didn't think you'd ever see me without a straight jacket and in a padded cell?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.
  "How?" Was all I could mange to ask.
  "I've got a friend on the outside," Jonathan chuckled, "he helped me escape and track you down. He's actually waiting in the driveway as we speak."
  "What do you want from me?" I asked, trying to keep my body from shaking.
  "Now now doc," he chuckled, "don't be so scared. I'm not going to hurt you. Well, as long as don't have to that is."
  I slowly stood up trying to summon all the courage I had left, "You didn't answer my question."
  Jonathan's Cheshire grin appeared once more as he walked closer to me, backing me up against my desk, "All I want is you."
  I looked at him in pure shock, "What?"
  "You see doc, I took a liking to you after a few of our appointments," he began as he placed his hands on either side of the desk as a way to block any chance I had to escape, "You made me feel a way that no one has ever made me feel before. I don't know if this is what being in love feels like, but I know that I'm obsessed with you and I have to have you." He glanced over my shoulder and noticed his file open on my desk. "And it looks like you might be a little obsessed with me too."
  "It's my job to have a file on all of my patients," I defended myself, "Don't think so highly of yourself." I immediately regretted what I said when I saw him frown. I knew I had just made a huge mistake.
  "Well aren't you a little spitfire," he chuckled as he grabbed me around the waist, "I like that."
  I glanced over his shoulder and noticed the call I was on with the nurse was still going, she was hearing the entire conversation. I could only hope that she was calling the police right now. I needed to keep him here just in case she was. If he drags me somewhere else I'd be as good as dead.
  "What are you going to do to me?" I asked.
  He pulled me closer to him, "Well, I'm not the most romantic person, but I at least know boundaries to a certain degree. To be honest, I've always wanted to just hold you like this, and maybe do this." He leaned down a gently kissed me. I was surprised by his action and wasn't sure how to respond.
  His lips soon parted from mine. "Awe look at that," he teased as he stared at me with his deep blue eyes, "you're blushing! That must mean you liked it!"
  Before I had a chance to respond he started to kiss me again. I quickly pushed him away and tried to run. Before I could even make it to the door I was grabbed by my hair, making me scream in pain.
  "I told you (Y/N)," I froze as he used my real name, something he had never done before, "I told you that I was only going to use force if I have to. Now are you going to be a good girl, or are things going to have to get ugly?"
  I struggled as I tried to get out of his grip, tear falling from my eyes. "Please, just let me go!" I cried out.
  "You know that's not an option," he laughed insanely as he pulled me into his embrace.
  I cried and screamed as I tried to escape from him. I started punching and kicking him, hoping he'd let me go, but he only held onto me tighter. I could hear police sirens grow closer, making me try harder to escape.
  He began hushing me as he slowly pulled something out of his pocket. I noticed it was a syringe. He was going to drug me. I screamed and pleaded for all of this to stop, for someone to come help me.
  I felt a sharp pain in my neck at the same time I heard my someone attempting to kick open my front door.
  I could feel the energy leaving my body, but I continued to fight against him and scream for help.
  Jonathan kissed me as a way to muffle my screams. I tried to push him away, but it took all of my energy to stay conscious.
  He parted lips with me before giving me his signature smile. "I will make you mine one day." He gave me another quick kiss before releasing me and opening the window. He was halfway through the window before he turned back to look at me. "See you soon doc," and with that he disappeared into the night.
  My legs grew weak. I collapsed on the ground, barely conscious as I heard multiple sets of feet enter the room.

~~~Time Skip~~~

It's been a few weeks since the incident with Jonathan. It was no longer safe for me to be in the open, or so I was told by the police. Due to Jonathan still on the loose I had to be put into Witness Protection. I was giving a new name and escorted to a new state.

I can only hope it was enough to not be found again...

A/N- What's up everyone! I'm not dead! Now I know I haven't updated any of my books in a long time, and that's because I've decided to put them on hold until the school year is over. I've decided to keep my one shots and role play books open though! Oh yeah, I started a role playing book, so go check it out if you want!

Thank you to @afk777 for requesting this! I had a lot of fun writing this one even if it might not have been what I originally intended on doing for this one. I hope you liked it!

Don't forget to leave any requests you may have!
(Especially if you know of a song I could use for a sequel to this chapter!)

Love ya~

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