Chapter 7

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"oh my God." Kira said as she looked at the girl.

"Shocked?" The girl said.

"Not at all Lily" Kara said as she walked towards her.

"Are all the kryptonians having a reunion." Winn asked

"Now we just need Superman." Barry said

At that superman flew in and was now standing next to Kara.

"She has used zorthia" superman said

"Are you sure?" Jon asked

"They are planning more than just zorthia." Lily said.

" Really?" Clark asked

"Ok now only the aliens know what's going on and the rest of us are flying blank here." Alex said.

"Now you know how I feel." Barry said.

"What zorthia?"James asked as he walked in.

"It's when the  ruler of one planet uses their symbol to carve their rulers into following them." Kara said.

"And they use the gods to have a fake distraction." Lily said.

"And they use the devil to win." Monel said.

"The only devil Krypton knows of us reighn." Kara said

"Reighn is a myth." Lily said

"There is no zorthia without the devil." Kara said

"They'll need a queen." Clark said

"Astra isn't exactly the queen." Kara said.

"But you were next in thrown." Clark said.

"So that means I have to fight in this." Kara said.

"You need to kill my mother." Lily said

"Ok I have a feeling this is going to be hard." Barry said.

Kara's apartment
Barry and Kara

"I've been so busy there was hardly time for us." Kara said.

"I know my earth will need me eventually but I have no idea how I'm going to protect you and my earth." Barry said.

Karen then felt wierd like she was going to throw up she ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Barry ran in behind her and rubbed her back as she threw up.

"What's wrong." Barry asked.

"I don't usually get sick." Kara said in between throwing up.

Alex then walked into her apartment and saw her sister barfing in the bathroom.

"What's going on?'' she asked

"We don't know?" Barry said getting even more worried than ever.

They then took her to the DEO and they did some tests on her when they finally came to a conclusion.

                                    Kara is pregnant
Kara's apartment
Kara ,Barry, Winn, Alex, Jon and James.

"How do alien baby's work." Alex asked

"Well its like normal it's just their powers need to be contained till the age of 8." Kara said

"He might have super speed like me." Barry said.

"She might fly like me." Kara said.

"What are we naming the kid?" Barry asked

They then heard people screaming outside and they went to the window and saw Astra and Nan was above everyone with a huge Lazer cannon.

Barry and Kara suited up and went outside and was afraid they would hurt the baby but it didn't stop them.

"Are you planning on using zorthia on us." Barry asked.

"Zorthia is part of it." Astra said.

"Leave now mother" lily said

"You can live here in piece." Barry said.

"No!...I challenge you to a zorthia." Astra said

"I do not accept." Kara said

"Why is that." Nan asked

"There will be a new air." Kara said.

"That's weak." Astra said.

"You can accept the zorthia then the winner of zorthia gets earth." Astra said.

" must leave." Kara said

"Then accept mine." A lady said flying up.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Kara asked

"I am reighn!!." The girl said.

"The devil?" Barry questioned.

"The devil I made up I am more than that." Reighn said

"Let us see who will win this fight." Kara said.


I know it I short but it's ok to me.

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