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It just started with the voices in her head.The voices would tell her to hurt others, hurt herself. All at once the voices would speak causing her to cry out for help. She was crazy people thought, something was clearly wrong with her. Nobody ever heard the voices, the voices that haunted her. She was seven when it started. It was her birthday party and she was excited to have all her friends over to celebrate. "Happy birthday Sky!" They all yelled causing her to smile. But that's when it happened, the voices started to speak to her, commanded her to do things.

They don't love you

You're worthless little girl

Nobody cares about you

Nobody ever will

The voices mimicked her and she felt overwhelmed not being able to overcome it all.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" She cried while covering her hears. Everyone looked at her with concern not knowing what had come over her. "What's wrong honey?" Her mother asked concerned. "Make them stop. Make them stop yelling at me." She cried hugging her mother. "Sky, your friends are just wishing you a happy birthday that's all." Her mother answered with a smile. "Not them, the voices." She answered. Her mother looked at her with worry. "I don't hear anything." Her mother answered.

She doesn't care

She hates you Sky

We love you and always will

That stinking bitch needs to die

Kill that stinking bitch

Sky didn't know why the voices wanted her mom to die. She loved her mom, she always did nice things for her. "But I like my mom." She said out loud.

We will always be here for you Sky

She doesn't love you

She is just going to replace you

We are your family now

The voices inside her head wouldn't go away until she did what they said. Kill that stinking bitch.

Voices; l.h.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora