Chapter 15: Brotherly love...

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{Sean's Pov}

"You guys go that way, we'll go with Ben this way" Yahir says as I nod before gripping my pistol while heading on the side of Ben's mansion,

"In position?" Yahir asks into the ear piece as I held my gun up towards the back door of the mansion,

"Go!" I shout before Hugh kicked the door in and we all scattered throughout the mansion only to find Sebastian sitting in the living room with a gun in his left hand and a beer in his right as I noticed he looked tired and drained,

"It's over Sebastian" Ben says coming in as he sat there emotionless,

"It was over when she found out about what kind of man I was" he says with a grunt while taking a sip from his beer as we all look at him confusedly,

"What are you talking about?" I asked confusedly as he leaned back into the couch,

"You can have the gang brother, you've already won the girl. Tell our parents I said goodbye" he says with a smile before pointing the gun under his chin as my eyes widened,

"Sebastian no!" I shouted rushing towards him before the loud sound of the gunshot rang through the room as I stood there with my jaw dropped,

"I'm sorry" Yahir says patting my shoulder as I felt my heart break while staring at my little brothers dead body in front of me,

"Come on" Ben says rubbing my back as I sighed while leaning down in front of my dead brother,

"What have I done?" I ask touching his cold hands as his head was leaning back on the couch,

"I love you brother" I say reaching up to his forehead and kissing it before hugging his body,

"We got a few guys coming over to clean up his body soon" Yahir says putting his phone away as I nod while staring down at my brother,

"I guess we don't have to go into hiding anymore" Hugh says with a confused look as Ben pats his shoulder,

"Lets give Sean some time" Ben says loudly as the men around us walked out while I sat next to my brother holding his hand tightly,

"I know I haven't been the best big brother in the world, but you have always been the greatest little brother I know......well had" I say with a frown while noticing his body was sweaty and he was only in a pair of jeans and a loose tank,

"I remember when we both went to get our matching tattoos on your 16th birthday" I replied staring at the tattoo of his initals S.B. on his middle finger while looking at the same tattoo on my middle finger,

"I'm sorry it went out like this" I say with a sigh before I noticed something was next to his arm on the couch,

I looked at it confusedly before grabbing it as my eyes widened when the small black box in my hand had our great grandmothers ring inside. I grabbed the paper folded inside of it.

This is for you brother,
Along with everything I own.
Don't blame yourself for my actions,
I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I waited until I see my big brother again one more time.
You and Jezzabelle can live happily ever after just like I am now.

your little brother

"The guys are here" Yahir says into the ear piece I had on as I sniffled before taking the note and the small box,

"Goodbye brother" I say kissing his forehead before ruffling his hair and walking out with a sigh,

"You alright" Yahir asks as I pulled out a cigarette,

"I'm sorry" he says patting my back as I took a puff before nodding and walking away,

He was about to go after me before Ben pulled him back telling him to let me go as I continued to walk down the street to where ever the street was going.

The thoughts of my little brother kept running through my mind. The days we spent as kids side by side getting in trouble as much as we could. We used to get into fights together, rob houses together, and dare each other to do the stupidest things around the town.

I sat down on the swing in the middle of the park that had only a few people were at. I looked up at the clear sky trying not to let my tears fall before a sound of children playing caught my attention. I turned to see two little boys that looked alike play together in the sand box before one of them started crying because the castle he made wouldn't stay together. The other boy turned and noticed he was crying before hugging him as I almost cried at the sight.

"We can share mine" The other boy says as the boy that was crying smiled before helping him build it as I smile,

I was so caught up with the sight in front of me I didn't know there was a tear streaming down my face.

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