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"Alright class, see you tomorrow." The teacher announced.

I sprung out of my chair, students following me. Luckily, there is a 5 minute break between 1st and 2nd hour, and that time gave me the opportunity to find my next class.

A shoulder colided with mine- quite painfully might I add, and a tall boy was next to me.

"I'm so sorry!" He said, holding his own arm. His hair was quite curly, and a brownish color. Dimples and green eyes accented his face, and I was practically falling over looking at him.

"Oh it's fine!" I announced, and smiled.

He returned the gesture, and walked off.

Off to science.

Surprisingly, the science room isn't that hard to find. I scampered into the class room to avoid another embarrassing class room introduction.

Inside the class room, lab tables sat with microscopes on top of them.

Great, another until I've done 100 times.

"Hello , I'm Mr.Samuelson." The teacher greeted me. His tone implied that he is not the nicest person from my point of view.

I quickly sat at a random lab table, and scanned through the paper infront of me.

What Hidden Organelles Are in Your Pond Water?

For this project you will be observing a drop of pond water under a microscope to see if there are any living organelles.

Funny, we did this project in fifth grade.

Soon enough, students began piling into the class room, some familar from my previous maths class.

One person stuck out though, Michael.

"Take a seat!" The teacher practically screamed.

Students scurried into chairs at random lab stations, and I felt that my observation was proven correct.

On one side of me, sat a boy with multicolored eyes, and brown hair. Next to me, a girl with short browish hair and green eyes. Sitting across, a boy with a black swoop type hair cut. Next to him, a girl life long, brown hair past her boobline, and striking green eyes.

They began a discussion amongst eachother, and I suddenly felt lonely.

Something tells me I might not fit in at this school.

But maybe that's not a bad thing.

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