The Crop Top

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They had just gotten back from the space mall. Keith had obtained several hundred gac from the Blade and paladins we're going on a much needed resupply mission. They split up into two groups while there, Keith with Pidge, Lance with Hunk, and Shiro with Allura and Coran. Since they were there with so much extra money, they all had decided to buy something for themselves. Hunk bought several different types of alien cookie mix, Pidge bought a fancy new tablet, Keith bought a pocket knife, Allura bought makeup, Shiro bought shoes, and Coran decided to keep his money for supplies. But Lance, oh, Lance had bought a crop top. They were in style on several planets, he claimed. Since they were just training, Lance wore it all day.
Keith and Lance unknowingly decided to do the same thing, battle drones. When they arrived in the same place, there was a bit of bickering, but they decided to just suck it up and fight together. Lance was stupidly wearing the crop top, clearly not realizing that he could get hurt. Keith felt an instinct to protect Lance the entire time they fought, due to that fact. This pissed off Lance. "Keith! I'm perfectly capable of battling on my own!" He shouted at Keith.
"Oh yeah? Well you shouldn't have worn that sexy crop- QUIZNACK," Keith was going to insult Lance, but his thoughts just came pouring out instead. "Just... battle the damn droid," he huffed.
Lance was baffled about what Keith just said. Sexy crop top? It wasn't possible, Keith couldn't be in to him. Definitely not the way Lance was in to Keith. In this rare moment of confusion, he tripped over Keith's feet and they landed, Lance directly on top of Keith. Nothing between them; Lance hadn't caught himself in time.
Keith's face was bright red. Lance was on top of him RIGHT NOW. Wearing a crop top. Keith could practically feel the skin on their stomach touching, suddenly feeling the urge to take his shirt off and throw it far, far away. If lance wasn't going to cover his midriff, Keith wouldn't wear a shirt at all.
But he fought the urge, simply hoping that Lance couldn't see how red his face was.
"Get off me, asshole." He said coldly, hoping his rudeness would throw Lance off. It didn't work.
"Thought I looked sexy? Why would you call a person who's so sexy an asshole. Why did you call me sexy? Oh my god, are you in to me?" Lance responded quickly.
"You... sounds like a sixteen year old girl. To answer your question, yes I'm in to you. I'd rather just get straight to the point. If you like me, fucking kiss me. If you don't, now you have a reason never to talk to me again." Keith said without thinking. He suddenly realized he had just told Lance that a) he liked him and b) he wanted Lance to kiss him. He was so dead.
Keith expected Lance to jump up with disgust, a boy liking him? That was so stupid. Lance was straight and totally in love with Allura. A blind mouse could tell. Instead, he received a passionate kiss from Lance. Keith's eyes were wide open, shocked.
When Lance finally came up for air, he put his hand over his mouth, wondering why he did that. he removed his hand and said slowly, "we should finish battling that droid." Keith nodded in response, but neither of them moved. "Lance... kiss me one more time? then we have to finish batting, for real. maybe... tonight your room needs to be cleaned?" Keith said softly.
Lance smiled and kissed Keith, softly this time. it was two sided and sweet, something they both had longed for for over a year. once their lips disconnected, Lance rolled over, standing up. "let's kill this droid."

boom it's quite short but oh well

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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