t h i r t y t w o

Start from the beginning

"In depth counting skills," Mitch giggles to me, standing up.

"I wasn't sure we could make it all the way to 5, but we pulled through," I laugh.

Esther interrupts us by stepping in between us. "We're 2's, and you know your seat numbers, right?" She asks us. Mitch and I nod in agreement, as do Avi, Kevin, and Scott who seemingly appeared in the middle of no where into our huddle.

"I'm Row 5, and I sit in the isle," I announce for an answer.

"Row 5, Window seat," Scott says. "Who's in between us, then?"

"No one. It's a smaller plane, two seats per row. What are the rest of you?"

"Row 8, isle," Avi replies. "How far away am I from Kirstie, than?" he asks, looking to Esther who seems to know everything.

"I think you're just kitty corner from her," she says, laughing at his relieved expression because he won't be too far away from me. He's sitting next to a stranger, sadly enough. "What about you, Kevin?"

"Row 6, isle."

"And I'm Row 4, isle," Mitch tells Esther.

"Then we sit next to each other," she replies.

By the time we have all of that figured out, it's time to board the plane.

"2's now boarding, 2's now boarding," the flight attendant says. She's way too perky to be up this early. Although, I guess it's not early anymore considering it's 10.

She's way too perky for me, having got up at 7.

We happen to walk into the plane in our usual order, Kevin, Mitch, Scott, Me, and then Avi. Esther trails behind Avi, making sure none of her baby ducklings are left behind.

"Dublin, here we come!" Mitch says happily once we are all seated.

We all instantly go into our own small worlds, it seems. We all do our own things on planes, for the most part. I usually listen to music, read, or watch a movie. Or sleep depending on the time of the flight. I start out by listening to music, and I'll probably pull out my book later.

Scott does his usual Instagram story post of traveling, and Kevin also puts in earbuds next to me.

Time for an exciting 10 hour flight.

After waiting a little while, we slowly begin to move. The plane begins picking up speed, and eventually we're gliding through the air and gaining altitude. I listen to my music and continue to scroll through Twitter for about an hour, until I get bored and take out my ear buds.

"Flights across the world are one of the worst things ever," Scott sighs to me.

"That is very true. I can't keep myself occupied for 10 hours."

"I almost wish our flight was in the middle of the night so I could sleep."

"Well, it's 7 in Dublin right now. I guess since we're flying there it should start getting darker? I don't know."

"You sound really sure of yourself."

"I'm not. I'm too tired. Avi woke me up at 7 this morning which is way too early for me."

"Mitch's alarm woke me up at five because neither of us really knew what we were bringing for tour?"

"I had all my stuff laid out, I just had to cram it in my suitcases."

"I wish I would've been smart enough to do that."

"That or you were too busy making out with Mitch."

"That too," he laughs.


"This is your captain speaking, we will be landing in about half an hour," the captain says after what feels like basically forever. It seems an eternity ago when Avi woke me up this morning.

I glance back at him and he's sound asleep. The lady next to him seems kind of uncomfortable, considering he's taking up half of her leg room. Kevin is also sound asleep, but I'll leave it to Esther to wake him. Scott, Mitch, Esther, and I were awake for most the flight, but we each took a short nap. I didn't think to bring a blanket for my carry on but luckily Scott had one that we shared. Well, I took some of it because I was tired and he was asleep so I didn't have to ask for permission, although I know he would've been like 'sure just don't hog it all' or something if I had woken him.

Once the captain announces we're beginning descent, I figure I should probably wake Avi.

"Avi!" I whisper-yell, not wanting to wake anyone around me unintentionally.

Still asleep.

"Avi!" I say it a bit louder this time.

Still asleep. I could just leave him to be flown back to LA or wherever the pilot has to go next. Who really needs a bass? We can just use Kevin's cello.

"Avi Kaplan!" Now I'm whisper-yelling the loudest I possibly can.

No answer. He doesn't even stir. I notice behind me Scott and Mitch are taking a video of me and snickering.

"Avriel Benjamin Kaplan!" I say, a bit louder than a normal talking voice.

This gets him awake, and I also woke Kevin in the process.


"We're landing in like ten minutes, babe," I laugh. "And you're impossible to wake up, by the way."

"Thanks, babe," he says sarcastically, emphasizing the babe.


"I am tired. I am needing sleep. I am jet lagged. And I want to get to the hotel," Mitch complains.

"You put how I feel into words," Scott mumbles from Mitch's side. We're in the car ride to the hotel in a suburban. We haven't gotten our individual rental cars yet, so we rented one from the airport. Scott is basically on top of Mitch, and Avi and I sit in the way back, leaving Esther and Kevin to the front. Kevin volunteered to drive, so Esther was automatically shotgun.

"Same," Avi and I say simultaneously.

"We're like an hour away," Esther informs us.

"An hour?" Everyone complains.

"You all can go to sleep, I'll wake you guys up," Kevin tells us.

No one has to tell us twice. Scott and Mitch instantly trade places, and Scott leans against the door. Mitch sits in his lap, curling into his chest.

Avi takes me into his arms, and we lay down in the seat which I'm pretty sure is illegal but it's 5 A.M. and no ones complaint. Which, I'm glad for because I only want to cuddle with Avi and sleep.

Well sorry for not updating in 10495893 years (okay I guess 2 weeks isn't that long of a time) but here's this

No ships are really involved but HEY AT LEAST I WROTE

I'm not quite sure how many chapters are left but I know it's not many so be prepared I guess

When this does end, I'll have an epilogue though


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