#16. Secret's Light

Start from the beginning

She took out a cotton ball, and dabbed disinfectant on it, "O hie wa balabala, when you should let me take care of these sounds, while you tell me how this happened" she started dabbing the cotton ball on his wounds
(You're here complaining...)

He flinched from the sting of the disinfectant, "You don't need to know" he look away, the stinging subsiding slightly

She turned his face to face her by his chin, looking him in the eyes, "Everything Bri" she whispered, kissing him on the lips, then commencing on disinfecting his knuckles

As much as Brian didn't want to tell her what happened, she'd been living in a sheltered world for too long, and it was about time someone was honest with her, "You know you passed out from shock" he said with a sigh, running his free hand over his face, "Well after I put you in the car, our people cleaned up. Turns out your grandfather has connections in high places, so he got all the other shit worked out" he sounded fascinated by Rich

He chuckled, but Mona could tell that it didn't reach his soul, "Anyway" he waved, "I brought you here, as per your father's demand. I would've preferred you going to my places but I've already pissed off your father and grandfather, so I was trying to tread lightly" he said irritated

Mona laughed lightly. She could tell that him bringing her to her folks place was something he would've never done, "You laugh, but shit wasn't funny when we was arguing about this shit" he went on with a huff, "After bringing you here, I went back to my place" he paused, rephrasing what he'd said, "actually more like I went to one of my many warehouses here, and the nigga who had you was prepped for me" he kissed his teeth, getting angry

Mona took his other hand, flipping the cotton ball over and dabbing some disinfectant on it, "Relax" she whispered, running her hand carefully over his knuckles

He breathed in deep, then breathed out, calming down somewhat, "This is a result of him taking what's mine" he finished, his jaw clenched

Mona was still busy dabbing the cotton ball on his knuckles, but the mere statement had her hand hovering over his wounds, a slight shake in it, "What's yours?" She stated more than asked. She cocked her head to the side, to look up at him, "Enlighten me Bri. What exactly is yours?" This time she asked, a tick forming on the corner of her eye

"Pixie, chill" Brian tried to calm her down, but that ship had sailed

She got up, "W-wait" she stammered looking around, running her hands over her curly hair, and then pulling it lightly, "so I'm your property now"

"Nuh, that's not what I said" Brian got up too, trying to hold Mona's hands, but she smacked his away before he could

She shook her head, holding her finger up in disapproval, "I'm not doing this with you" she pointed at him, then headed to the door. She wanted out, cause if he thought she would let him call her his like she was nothing but property, he could go to hell with all that

"Aye hold up" he grabbed her by the arm, careful not to bruise her, "I swear woman that temper of yours is gonna send me to an early grave. If you would've let me finished, I would've told you that I don't think of you as my" he tapped his chin, acting as if he was in deep thought

"What's the word you used, oh yeah, property, cause bare in mind my little pixie" he ran a finger down her chin, "I don't see you as such. You're more than that to me...if I had it my way, you'd be wearing my ring" he pulled out a small jewelry box, showing it to her, "using my last name, and being my partner for life" he confessed, watching her reaction

He opened the box up to show her a beautiful ring. It looked custom made, with a beautiful uncut sapphire in the middle, "W-w-wh" she kept stammering unable to finish what she wanted to say

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