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So hello its me. XD thanks for those who read this story <3 I wrote a prologue for it to talk about Yoongi's past in more detail. Hope you guys enjoy ^^

"Leave him alone" Yoongi stood in between the bully and his close friend. Seeing his friend on the floor terrified had fueled his anger so much that Yoongi forgotten about the spectators around.

"Oh look, who do we have here? The nerd who only stays in corners, you're so white you might as well be a girl. Get lost, loser" The school thug said menacingly, if anything it only fueled Yoongi's anger more. Yoongi was aware that he was fairer than most people, but it was his parents who blessed him with skin that didn't get tanned easily, Yoongi was proud of it.

"Leave us alone" Yoongi clenched his fist tight, trying to keep his anger in control. Deep breaths Yoongi, deep breaths.

"Whats mama's boy gonna do if I don't? I'll have you know that my father sponsors this school so nobody is gonna give me much trouble. So I suggest you do the same. Get out of my way before I beat both of you up" The glare the school thug was enough to scare anyone away, but not Yoongi. He knew that the thug had superstrength, but so what? Yoongi would do anything to keep his best friend safe.

"Try me" Yoongi highly doubt that the school thug would actually beat anyone up, cause if the school thug lost control on his power, it will actually cause harm more than just bruises. So when he got pushed away harshly he was genuinely surprised. Yoongi hit the ground harshly and struggled to catch his breath.

"Yoongi!!" That was the last thing he heard his friend said before he heard the scream of his best friend. Looking up, he saw the school thug walking towards his friend who was now on the floor, spitting out blood. The school thug bent down and held his friend's throat, lifting him up the floor slowly. He could see that his friend was struggling to breathe. What the hell, this guy was seriously gonna---- Yoongi saw red. His blood seemed to have froze, every other sound was blocked out as he witness his friend being choked.

Then the first pipe burst, water spurting straight upwards. On by one, all pipes near them exploded in respond of Yoongi's rage.

"Let go of him" Yoongi said, voice soft but clear. He stood up, the pain caused by the shove long forgotten. The school thug glanced at him and Yoongi knew that he looked like he was ready to kill. "I said, let go of him" His voice sounded cold even in his own ears, he didn't know that he could sound like that. The water from the pipes as if sensing his presence, went towards Yoongi like a tsunami and stopped right behind him as if there was a wall behind Yoongi.

Yoongi simply put his hands in his pockets as he glared up at the school thug. No, glare was an overstatement. Yoongi simply looked at the school thug as if daring him to disobey his words. The water behind him was raging like a demon who smelled blood, waiting to be released to destroy the world, with continuous supply the water kept gathering and looked even more menacing. But Yoongi was unaffected by it, because if the water was a demon than Yoongi was Satan himself. He controlled the water. Yoongi squinted his eyes as he saw his friend's eyes started to roll back.

"Time's up" Yoongi took his right hand out of his pocket and snapped his fingers, releasing the water from the restraint. In a flash the water went straight towards the bully and his friend. Water, when calm, could be gentle and friendly. But many people forgets that tsunamis that destroyed homelands was also water. The force that came from the water sent the thug off his legs and slammed into a wall, which was like, ten metres from his original position. The water gently held his best friend back as the thug lost his grip on his friend's neck.

Yoongi willed the water to lift him off the ground and move him towards the thug, who was currently on the floor catching his breath. The thug glared up (this time it was seriously glaring, his eyes screamed murder) at Yoongi before launching an attack. Just by looking Yoongi knew that if that punch came impact, well, Yoongi may very well die on the spot. But Yoongi wasn't even worried, he didn't even flinch. He knew that the water would protect him, and it never lets him down. The water formed multiple streams and leashed themselves onto the thug's entire arm. As hard as the thug tried, he couldn't break through the water ropes. More and more 'ropes' leashed onto different body parts, leaving the thug immobile as Yoongi came closer.

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