I Will Not Do Anything Stupid

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In this world, everyone had their own superpower. There were laws to prevent misuse of course, but it wasn't rare to see people shape shifting or turning invisible suddenly in the middle of the road. All superpowers were classified into different sections known has elements. For example, super strength and shape shifting were classified under BIO; flying was under AIR.

Those with the ability to control the entire element were the rarest. Their ability wasn't as simple as just 'breathing in water' or 'shape shifting', it was total control, and they could have any power they wanted, as long it was under their element. Let's say one was able to control the BIO element, said person could shape shift, have super strength, turn invisible etc (all power classified under BIO) at will. They were known as Elementals, and they were believed to be extinct.

Except they weren't.


"Yoongi-ah" His roommate's gentle voice woke Yoongi up "Get up and get ready or we're gonna be late"

"I don't care hyung...." Yoongi snuggled in deeper into his blankets, refusing to get up. They were going to Namjoon's birthday party that evening, while yes, Namjoon was a good friend of his, sleep was much for inviting than a party where a lot of people will be at. He'd skip the party if he could, Namjoon would understand. His roommate, Seokjin, however, would be difficult. Said roommate sighed and Yoongi swore the older was shaking his head.

And suddenly he shot up into the air, blankets falling off him. Yoongi jolted awake at the sudden motion

"HYUNG WHAT" Yoongi knew it was Seokjin's doing, it could only be him. Damn Seokjin and his ability to control gravity. The guy had such control over his superpower that he could pretend that he had the ability to shift things at will or had the ability to fly, while actually just controlling the gravity of that specific area. Yoongi admired Seokjin for that, not that he would ever tell him

"Get up and get ready or we're gonna be late" Seokjin merely smirked as he repeated his own words "I'll make your life a living hell if you make me late to my boyfriend's birthday party"

With that, Yoongi fell back onto his bed, hard.

"Do I have to go" Yoongi groaned as he forced himself out of bed

"10 minutes" was all Seokjin saif as he left the room.


And so here he was, at Namjoon's house where there was alot of people partying because Kim Namjoon just had to be close friends with social butterflies and became friends with their friends. For one, he was dating the most handsome boy in school, Kim Seokjin. Seokjin was a well known guy, so being his boyfriend, Namjoon met a lot of new people AND OF COURSE HE HAD TO INVITE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

No, wait, being Seokjin's boyfriend wasn't the main problem. The main problem was that Namjoon was best friends with the school's most popular guy, Jung Hoseok. That guy was sociable, with that bright smile of his, there wasn't any person he couldn't befriend. As long as the guy wanted, every person was his friend. There wasn't a single person in school who haven't heard of Jung Hoseok. The total opposite of Yoongi. They say opposites attract, so maybe that's why Yoongi had been paying extra attention for the boy.

Yoongi sighed as he went to a quiet corner and just stood there watching everyone else party. It wasn't that he antisocial, he just didn't know anybody and there was no way that Yoongi is gonna walk up to a random person and say "Hi, can we be friends"

"Yoongi-hyung! You're here!" It was Namjoon came over to him "Guess I wasn't actually believing you'd come"

"Of course I'd come, I'm roommates with your boyfriend, you think I could just skip it?" Yoongi said smiling "Happy birthday"

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