The Time My Life Got Flipped and Turned Upside-down

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Percy's Pov

I woke up to the sound of what I had taken to be thunder, but it was actually someone banging on the door. I scowled thinking it was far too early for Sam and Dean to be here. When I opened the door I was met with the sight of a soaking wet Grover.

"Grover? What are you-" My voice died off when I looked down and saw that his legs weren't legs. They were hairy...deformed, and where his feet should have been it was hooves?!

"Percy! Thank the gods I found you before he did! We have to go! Come on! You are in danger and it's my job to protect you!" I was tempted to resist Grover, to tell him I could protect myself till I heard this monstrous roar that chilled me to the bone. 

"What was that?" I asked, but Grover ignores my question as he dragged me to a car. He got in the driver's seat and floored it. I was thrown into the door as he speeds way over the legal speed limit. "Grover! What the hell is going on?" I asked my mind was racing, I couldn't think straight. I mean that was hard enough with my ADHD and dyslexia, but now I was completely jumbled. 

"Ugh. Okay look, I can't explain it to you. That's not my job, we just have to make sure we get there before he reaches us." That was the most information I could get Grover to give me. 

After we drove for probably thirty minutes it seemed to calm down, so I sneaked my phone from my pocket and called my brothers. The second Dean picked up all things that were previously going right went wrong. That monstrous roar was back, and now I could see it coming after us. I felt my chest tighten.

"Percy? Buddy, you okay?" I heard Deans voice on the phone, but at that moment something was now in front of us.

"OH MY GOD, LEFT, GROVER, LEFT! WHAT PART OF LEFT DID YOU TAKE TO MEAN RIGHT!" I yelled as Grover barely missed the thing in the road, and we veered down a smaller road that had a signing saying "PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES" 

We sped down this road, I was sitting up further now, and I was looking around frantically trying to make sense of anything. When my brothers worried tones brought me back to reality.

"Percy?! What is going on!" Sam's voice rang out clear.

"Oh, hey guys. So, I don't know what's going on or where I am but something is chasing me. It also seems very intent on my death." I tried to keep a steady calm tone, but that was practically impossible by this point.

"Damnit! Where are you?" Dean yelled through the speaker.

"I just told you I don't know! Somewhere around Long Island, and there was a sign about picking your own strawberries! OH SHI-" I was cut off, as something was launched at the car, and we went rolling int the ditch. I opened my eyes to see Grover unconscious next to me. "Grover...come on, man we gotta go." I tried to shake him, he seemed semi-awake. He mumbled something about a hill, a big pine tree, and a house in the valley. I quickly surveyed my surrounds when I spotted this massive pine tree on top of the hill. I took that as my destination. I heard the monster getting closer, and I could see it now. I recognized it from Mr. Brunner's Latin classes. The Minotaur.

I quickly wrapped Grover's arm around my shoulder, once we were out of the car we, well I, ran up the hill. Grover kept mumbling incoherent things but at this point, I was to focus on getting us to that valley that I wasn't listening.

I heard the beast behind us, and I continued to run for my life towards that tree, and that's when it spotted us.

Sams Pov

My heart was racing as the call disconnected. Dean and I shared a look, and with that I felt the impala surge forward as Dean hit the gas petal. We were about an hour away from New York, and I was terrified something happened to Percy. I mean, the kids twelve! What we're we thinking leaving him in New York alone! I could feel the anger and worry roll off Dean in waves. I knew I probably wasn't much better.

Once we got nearer to Percy's location, I pulled out my laptop and began tracking his phone. When I got a hit, I began directing Dean on where to go. That was when we finally found a road sign that said "PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES" we tore down the road till we came across the sight of a wrecked car that was upside down. Dean pulled the car over and we began examining the wreckage, praying that we wouldn't find our little brothers body. When I spotted footprints leading up the hill, I sighed in relief and yelled at Dean. We quickly ran up the hill following the tracks till they just suddenly stopped. Where they stopped it looked as if there had been a fight. One set of tracks were huge hoof prints and the others were sneakers, along with drag markers beside it. At the top of the hill, there was a tree with a huge scrap and a large pile of yellow dust. I frowned. There was no sign of Percy anywhere or any indication to where he could have gone.

"Do you think he killed it and headed back to the cabin?" Dean's voice was slightly hopeful. I knew the chances of that were pretty slim, but I was grasping at straws here. I was trying to come up with anything I could think of where Percy could be. We found his phone in the car, along with a little bit of blood. We raced back to the Impala heading back to Montauk hoping that we would find our little brother safe and sound.

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