Explanations and New Questions

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Dean Winchester

The explanation took a while, but after it was finished Percy was staring at me and Sam with a dorky expression.  

"Wait, so you're telling me you stopped the apocalypse...twice," Percy held his hand out as he frowned.  I made eye contact with Annabeth as Sam began to answer Percy.

She didn't smile, instead, she gave me a very calculating look. One I found interesting, "What about you, Blondie? You got any questions?" This didn't stop Percy and Sam's rambles.

"No actually, I just find it interesting that even though it been six years since the three of you were together you all still do the exact same thing. Putting your loves on the line for the betterment of others just because you can," At that Annabeth looked towards Percy who was vividly talking to Sam about leviathans. I smiled slightly but Annabeth continued, "Percy really looks up to you guys, he would never admit that to your faces, but he does. He's told me, multiple times actually. Percy says he risks his life because if he can have a chance to live up to all you guys have done he'll be happy. Which made me want to be better, because how can someone be so genuinely loyal and selfless?" Annabeth didn't elaborate further.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that, how could I? Percy looked up to me and Sam, a lot. I had to keep being the best role model I could be. Even if it cost me my life. 

I have been a terrible role model so far, losing Percy like that and not being able to find him for years...he saved the world on a daily bases, but us? We wrecked it so often that it was our job to fix it because it was our fault. Percy is a better hero than I could ever be.

The familiar sound of the bunker door shrieking open pulled all of us away from our thoughts. I looked up to see the familiar blond hair that I knew was Mom.

Mom froze as she caught sight of the two new people, Cas shifted uncomfortably as he looked between us all. Of course, he would be no help. He would leave it all up to us to tell Mom she technically had a third child she had never even heard of. 

Percy immediately began dancing on his feet too, an old habit I remembered well. Percy always was more fidgety when he was nervous. I watched as his fingers danced around the edge of his pocket, which I frowned at. It's sad that his natural instinct when he sees new people or is nervous is to be ready for attack.

"Sam? Dean? Who is this?" Mom tried for a friendly smile, but it seemed more confused. looked towards Sam, who seemed to also be figuring out how to handle this. 

Finally, Sam spoke up, "Mom, this Percy, and Annabeth," Sam started off simply. He coughed before he looked at me.

"Mom, this is going to be a bit surprising because when you came back we never told you this but when Sam and I were teenagers Dad adopted a baby. His mom was killed because of a mistake we made, so Sam and I convinced Dad to let us take him in," I watched as Mom's eyes grew wide with surprise. We had never told her about Percy for our own selfish reasons. Mostly it was because we were scared we would never find him, or Mom would be upset she never got to meet him.

"When the apocalypse started we sent him to a private boarding school in New York for his safety because the Angels were using him against us. We didn't want him to get hurt..." Sam choked, so I took over.

"The day we went to get him and bring him home for the summer, something happened. A monster attacked and he vanished. We searched for six years until he finally came home. So, Mom, meet Percy, our little brother." I pointed towards Percy who smiled and waved awkwardly.

Mom stared for a minute, only blinking before she crept forward, till she stood in front of Percy who was also taller than her. I felt bad for him, he was shifting awkwardly on his feet till Mom started to talk. 

"I'm Mary. Did John really take you in...?" She sounded nervous, Percy looked surprised but slowly he nodded.

"He gave me a home...he gave me my first family...he may have not been around a lot but I knew he loved me, and Sam and Dean. He was my dad," Percy smiled sadly, that was when Mom threw her arms around Percy and hugged him. 

Percy stiffened at first before he slowly wrapped his arms around her and hugged back. I looked to Sam and let out the breath I was holding. 

Thank God that went better than him seeing Cas again. 

When Mom and Percy pulled apart, I saw the huge smile on Percy's face. He looked giddy, and I couldn't blame him. The poor kid never had a real mom figure, always surrounded by men. 

"So, who is this lovely young lady?" Mom looked towards Annabeth who smiled softly and extended a hand.

"I'm Annabeth Chase, Percy's my boyfriend," Mom looked at Percy with a knowing smirk which only made Percy's ears and neck turn red.

"Oh, girlfriend? It's not every day one of my boys bring home a girl," This caused Sam and me to cough on our own air.

"Mom!" I grumbled as Sam just looked surprised, she giggled before she looked back to Annabeth.

"Lovely, to meet you, dear," Annabeth smiled kindly.

"It's nice to finally meet the woman who Percy always boasted about, John told good stories, and Percy looked up to you a lot," Annabeth admitted unabashedly, which made Percy go red in the face.

"Annabeth!" He looked at her with a pout, which only made her laugh.

"Oh, I like her. She definetly a keeper," Mom smiled as she smiled at Percy who was rapidly telling Annabeth to stop embarrassing him.

I chuckled my self. I smiled, I was genuinely happy. I never thought I would get to see my whole family together again. Mom and Annabeth began talking, mostly Annabeth sharing more embarrassing stories of Percy. Much to his dismay, Sam tried to comfort Percy which only made the teen more flustered and awkward. 

Cas crept up beside me, "Hello Dean," He said in his usual gruff tone, I jumped in surprise. I hadn't heard him come up.

"Damn it, Cas. I told you to stop doing that," I grumbled which he smiled, I only shook my head as I went back to watching my family interact.

"You look happy Dean," Cas stated, I chuckled.

"I am happy, Percy's home, he has a good girl to keep him in check, and who obviously loves him. Mom is here, Sam's here, and your here. I have all I need." I said before I could think about how sappy and chick-flicky it was. 

"I'm happy to Dean, the world is peaceful for once, and our family is all here," Cas said roughly.

"For once its all going good," 

~I'm alive! Hello everyone! 

Look, I'm so sorry this took nearly five months...I'm terrible I know. But I got stuck and didn't know how to carry on with this story. But now! I have a pretty clear idea! So, I will try to keep updates on a much better schedule instead of whenever.

I hope you like this really bad filler-chapter. Next chapter is when things will get rough again...hehe. 

So until next time!


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