xix | apologies

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Andrew walked into Ari's old bedroom, stopping abruptly in the doorway as he looked around, taking in the sight that had barely changed since she was 12 years old.

"Pink? Really?" he questioned, gesturing to the pink walls.

She laughed, rolling her eyes as she walked past him. "I had it painted when I was five. Didn't care enough to paint it again."

"Are you sure we're both going to fit in that bed?" he questioned, looking at the small queen sized bed in the corner.

"Of course not," she said. "That's why I'm sleeping on the bed, and you're sleeping on the floor!" She laughed at Andrew's annoyed expression. Clearly, he was displeased. "I'm just joking. I'm getting the air mattress out. That'll fit both of us."

He shrugged. "That's better."

Thirty minutes later, Ari had laid the air mattress out on her bedroom floor. It was around 10 P.M. by the time they were changed into more comfortable clothes and tired enough to go to bed.

"It's not that bad down here," Ari said, looking up at Andrew, who was sitting on the bed.

"Doesn't look too comfortable," he argued, frowning slightly.

"It's this or the floor, Andrew," she told him, sitting up and turning to look at him. "Either that or me "accidentally" kicking you out of bed at two in the morning."

"I'll take the air mattress," he said, moving to sit next to her.

She laughed. "I thought so."

Andrew sat down behind her and she spun around to face him. She crossed her legs, looking over at him and searching for something to say.

"Who was that kid you were talking to?" Andrew questioned, breaking the silence.

"Oh, that's Sam. He's Jake's younger brother," she informed.

"Did you two talk about Jake?"

"Yeah. He's in the area, too." Ari sighed, looking down at her hands, which rested in her lap. "Sam told me he felt really bad about it. Said he thought he saw Jake crying over me." She paused, collecting her thoughts. "I feel bad about it, y'know? Like, maybe I overreacted. I didn't want to hurt him. He was my best friend for so long. He meant a lot to me and he still does."

"You had every right to be mad at him, Ari," Andrew told her softly. "You had every right to say what you did. He kissed you out of nowhere and started unnecessary drama because of it. He's an adult; he could have conveyed his feelings in another way."

"To be fair, you did the same thing," she said, referring back to the night they had first told each other how they felt.

"Yes, but that was because I was so, so sure you felt the same way. Brock talked on and on about your feelings for me until I started seeing it, too," he explained. "Jake's approach was different. He had talked to you once since your reunion of sorts, and when you came up to him in the hallway, you were mad at him. He had no clue how you felt and he probably didn't even care. He was just hoping the kiss would make you realize your feelings or something."

"I just think that's something we can get past," she told Andrew. "We could still be friends."

"Do you forgive him?" Andrew questioned.

She thought for a moment. "Now that it's all over," she spoke softly, "I do."

"Then tell him that."

"Tomorrow," she grumbled, moving to lay down. "Right now, I'm going to bed."

Andrew chuckled, laying down next to her. "Sounds good to me."

Ari woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon. She rolled over to face Andrew, who seemed to be asleep. She chuckled to herself, seeing that his long, curly hair was a mess, as it always was in the morning.

She reached out, touching his cheek gently and rubbing her thumb over the soft skin. After a few moments, his eyes fluttered open and he looked over at her, smiling. She smiled back.

"Good morning," she greeted softly.

"Morning," he grumbled as she leaned up, kissing his forehead.

"I think my dad's making breakfast. I'll meet you downstairs," she told him, rolling over to get up. However, he wrapped an arm around her, turning her back to him.

"Wait for me," he said, his eyes closed.

"You're gonna have to get up then, babe," she chuckled.

He opened his eyes, looking over at her for a few moments before sitting up. She did the same, stretching her arms over her head.

She pulled on one of Andrew's Red Sox sweatshirts before the two headed downstairs. Mike was in the kitchen, standing in front of the oven and flipping bacon over. He glanced over at them when he heard them walk in.

"Morning," he greeted, glancing at Andrew again. "Nice hair, Andrew."

Ari laughed as Andrew ran his hands through his hair a couple of times, attempting to fix it.

"Breakfast will be ready in a couple minutes," Mike informed.

"Do we have anything planned for today?" Ari asked as she opened the refrigerator, taking the gallon of milk out.

"I think your mother was trying to plan a bowling trip with the Ulrich's," he replied, "considering how much you and Jake used to love bowling against each other."

Ari glanced over at Andrew, giving him a smirk before saying, "Sure, that sounds good."

"Alright. I'll let her know."

That afternoon, they were at the local bowling alley in the area. It was a group of Andrew, Ari and her parents, Mariah, Kyle, Jake, Sam, and their parents. They took up two lanes, with Kyle bowling with Jake's family to make the groups even.

From the moment they saw each other, Ari felt uncomfortable around Jake. Sure, she forgave him, but he didn't know that. So, she was left with dealing with his glances at her every once in a while.

"You have to talk to him," Andrew whispered as she sat down next to him after her turn.

"I know. I'm trying," she told him. "I will after we're done."

It was then when Ari and Jake got their chance to be alone. They both walked their bowling balls back at the same time, and Ari turned to Jake after placing hers on the rack.

"I forgive you," she told him. "I just wanted you to know that. You mean a lot to me, Jake."

"I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"It's okay," she replied. "I never wanted to hurt you. Maybe I was a little harsh."

"No, you weren't," he denied. "I deserved every word you said to me."

"But that's past us," she said, smiling. "Because you're my best friend, Jake. You have been for a long time."


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