vii | resolution

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Ari groaned, slapping her hand on the bedside table, in search for her phone. She did this almost every morning, as it was often very dark in her room. However, that morning, she couldn't seem to find it. She rolled over, staring up at the ceiling. Most likely, she had forgotten to grab it in her emotional state the previous night.

Disgruntled, she got up, looking at herself in the mirror. She was still wearing her clothes from the previous day and her hair was a mess. She changed into a pair of black spandex and a t-shirt, throwing her hair into a messy bun before walking into the living room.

Almost immediately, things were awkward. Andrew, who was sitting on the couch and looking at his phone, ignored her as she walked by. It was odd, as he usually greeted her. Surely, he was confused about the events of the previous night, too. 

She didn't spare him more than a glance as she walked to her bag and dug out her phone. After checking various notifications, she texted Brock.

i need help

keep your jokes to yourself because this is important

i'm listening

okay so last night in the car before we left i apologized for making things awkward between andrew and i after i told him about what you were trying to do. he said that it was fine but things were still weird. when we got home he asked if we were really okay and i told him that one comment wasn't going to ruin our friendship

so you friend zoned him?

somehow either i stepped towards him or he stepped towards me idr but he ended up holding my hand. he was going to say something but i ran away before he could

why'd you run?

because i wanted him to kiss me and it scares me

i've stuck with this not dating teammates thing since i was 15 years old and he's ruining it in a week and i hate it and i hate him

deep breaths, ari

i understand why you're upset, and it's a logical concern. however, if you feel something for him, you can't hide that

i'm beginning to, but i don't want to

and you can't control that

you're scared of change, i know, but you can't let that affect you. if you have feelings, you should express them, because i have a feeling he feels the same

what would people think of me?

that is something you'll have to find out

you'll figure it out, ari. i promise

i hope so

Ari sighed, locking her phone before walking into the kitchen. She made herself breakfast and ate on the counter, not wanting to have to talk to Andrew. She felt bad about ignoring him, but she didn't know what else to do. She was developing unwanted feelings for him and she didn't know what to do.

Upon arriving at the field for the game, Ari was usually happy and incredibly outgoing. That day, however, she was quiet. She was letting the situation with Andrew bother her and it was greatly affecting her mood.

the rookie | andrew benintendiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora