Ask or Dare #7

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TEC- Hoi my little monsters! We have a question and a dare from Matted_Strings ! The question is "Why must you break the fourth wall?" The answer to that is, I will only do it with Tommy. Mainly just to make the chapters longer. NOW FOR THE DARE! *snaps, Nick, Jon, and Emma from The Crew Before They Knew appear*
E- Oh hi.
J- Where am I?
N- Oh right, you've never been here before. So, Jon, this is the place where we hangout sometimes. It's a weird place. *he says as something flies by, but it is just a blur*
TEC- I have a dare for you guys!!! Mat dares Emma to kiss Jon, and then kiss Nick.
J+E- WHAT?!?! WHY THO?!?!
N- *is kinda upset but really uncomfortable*
J- I am not kissing Emma!
E- I already have a boyfriend!!!!!
TEC- Fine, if you want to go it the hard way I'll make you do it the hard way. *pulls out notebook and pen, starts writing, finishes*
J+E- *eyes turn sea foam green*
N- What the heck is going on.....
J- *passionately kisses Emma*
E- *passionately kisses back, breaks away for breath*
TEC- *rips out page and burns it*
J+E- *eyes turn back to normal*
J- I feel weird.... *passes out*
E- What happened....?
N- *kisses her*
E- *kisses back*
TEC- *makes them vanish* Welp. I feel sick. Anywho! Hope you enjoyed! Leave dares and questions in the comments! BOI!!!1!!!!!1!!!1!1!

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