Chapter 9 (Epilogue)

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Elena's Pov

I woke up next to jerimiah. I rolled my eyes and went to get blood. I then saw Stefan again. I smiled. Why so cheery stefan says. Oh nothing I think I just saw this really hot guy thats  i say smirking.
I unhook Stefan kissing him on the lips,he obviously wanted More. I giggled smiling then pulling away. Stefan we'll have time for that later. Now let's go kick some ass,I say grinning.

Elena!,jeramiahs tells. I'm frozen scared shit.  Stefan I'm gonna go up come up I'm a few minutes,ok? He nods. I grab a pack of blood and open it. I run up to jerimiah. He kicks me in stomach. I know what you've done,he yells hitting me.  He kicks me one last time. Stefan he yells. Stefan comes up. No I barely croake. Stefan looks hurt. Elena tell him why you love me,jerimiah says smirking. The reason I lovED you was that you were a dick so no I never loved you. he looked angry,it backfired. Tell him why you love Stefan he said angrly. I smiled at my self thinking back to memories. He cares so much,he made me feel so much. He protected me and saved me on many occasions. He laughed. He loved me even though I was a creature. Because we were the same. That we were one. So does that answer your goddamn question. Not so sassy Gilbourg he says sarcastically. I roll my eyes.  Stefan?!,a girl asks. Rose?,Stefan looks surprised. Shh lovebirds,Regan!!,jeriniah yells over and over. Stop I shriek. Stefan and Rose stop there reunion. Blood is now coming out uncontrobily. Tears are streaming out as well. I trusted…………tru……trusted you Jerimiah. Yea,well doesn't everyone. what do you want from me I ask. you,he says with lust in his eyes. I look at Stefan. shaking my head. If its the only way for you survive Stef. No your not doing this,I love you to much. Then who is this?,I ask upsetly. Rose,wecmet around 1926,yes we knew eachother in a romamtic way,but all that matter is you he says. I smile. Elena Stefan,Bonnie yells
  Bonnie I scream. She dies a spell:
luidhg hfhj jfsj. ihsy jerk yeeee! Elena I've always loved you,Jerimiah says dieing. Stefan pulls me into him.  I cry into him. Shh,he keeps trying to calm me but nothing's working. Stefan kisses me and it calms me beyond words. He hugs me and my breathing slows. Elena?,Stefan asks concerned. Nothing,just breathing I laughed. Your safe with me. and that's the words I shall carry with me forever.

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