Chapter 1

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A fist slams on a desk.
"Again, these vigilantes just won't stop."
"Mayor Eggman, calm down, you don't want another episode, do you?" a robot with a red, orbital head said.
"Quiet, Orbot, does it look like I give a damn if I make a scene! It's my city, so I can make a scene if I want to!" Eggman retorted.
"Good point, boss. Also Chief Metal Sonic is here with some more solved case files." Orbot said.
"Send him in."
A blue robot resembling a blue hedgehog walked in.
"More solved files on these cases." Metal Sonic said, plopping file folders down on Eggman's desk.
"Anything on those vigilantes?"
"No, sir."
"Figures. You would think we would have something on them figuring they only strike at night, but we don't. They're just that damn good." Eggman complained. "I dare to imagine what they're doing right now."
In an Apartment in the Heart of Emerald City
"Nothing like getting 3 hours of sleep, you know?" Knuckles said, poring himself a bowl of cereal."
"Well, we get to sleep as long as there's no crime." Tails answered.
"Which is why we have these watches." Sonic added, biting his grilled cheese.
"Yeah, yeah, so what are we doing today, more training?" Knuckles then asked with a mouthful of cereal.
"First off, don't talk with your mouthful, and second, most likely, yeah, what do you think Sonic?" Tails asked.
"Sure, I'm up for some training." Sonic answered, finishing off his grilled cheese. "I was thinking we should go to our spot on Windy Valley."
"Of course, where else would we go?" Knuckles said.
"Well, it's settled, we depart in an hour." Sonic answered.

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