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Bella's pic

He came for me. Were the others here?
"Bella? Please tell me your alive" an all to familiar voice spoke to me in my thoughts, he was here, he did come for me.
"Harry, finally. Yes I'm alive, and so happy you finally came for me. He wants me dead in hopes he will gain what he lost so long ago"  I reply without trying to reveal more then what needs to be known in the moment.
" I'm here Bella, we are here. But we need your help to beat them, there are too many for just the six of us" they must have brought Jenna with them, so Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn all came to my rescue.

I smiled knowing that my uncle wouldn't only be dieing by my hand, but those hands of my new family, those hands of my mother and father who he had murdered for power all those years ago.
I started taking spirit which i had been weaving between my fingers for awhile, and had the power of earth join it. This made it stronger, almost there.
"We are going to save you bella" he kept whispering to me in my thoughts.
"Do what your heart tells you, but my uncle is for me and me alone" I grinned more, my uncle was about to lose everything, and he only had himself to blame

Fire joined earth and spirit

"You really think you have me don't you neice" he laughed, I could almost sense a nervousness in his voice.
" I think I'm having a vacation after this, I know I have you and you're gonna die a painful death"

Water joined the others, it was time. I told this to harry too so he knew.
The chains that were once holding me to the wall were now gone, spirit and fire feasted on them.
As I walked toward my now terrified uncle, hearing harry and the other boys fighting in the back ground with my uncles men, I gathered up all the strength I had. Earth, air, fire, water, and spirit; they all rushed around me with the same anger and heartbreak and sadness I have endured my entire life. I focused them on the one who had caused it all, the murder. The man who was no longer under the labor of uncle.
I blacked out, but I could hear a familiar screech. And then nothing.
For a few moments I stayed that way, then his voice was heard. The most beautiful voice, and he wanted me to come back to him....


Its over and she was on the ground, breathing slowly, eyes closed. Her uncle, nothing left of him, almost seem like her elements are him.
I caressed her face, she looked so beautiful.
"Bella, time to wake up, they are all gone and all you have to fear is me without you in my life" I said still caressing her beautiful face, so soft and.... Not right now, she needs to wake up
Her eyes slowly start to open, then we are staring into each others eyes. I missed those gorgeous kind eyes...
"Harry, is it really over?" She asked in a quiet, tired voice
"You're uncle is nothing but breakfast for your gift, my lumiere" I smiled at her, she now had a new thing showing in her blue eyes, it was hope and happiness

Goodbye sadness, goodbye you monster, goodbye old life. Hello love, happiness, hello my beautiful lumiere, hello new life with a wonderful family and harry who I know will be by my side no matter what...

Hey guys, longer time no apologies on that. I'm working on ideas for the sequel for this book so patience, it will get there at some point
Also lumiere might be spelled wrong, Idk, I'm not French. Lumiere in case you are not either means light in French... And the reason . I included it in here is because i have always wanted to call someone I was in love with my lumiere, so why not have it in here....
See at guys in the next book, love you all and stay beautiful ~Diana

howling hearts(one direction werewolves)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora