day 1

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i was finished packing everything that belonged to me i even took a few things that know because im just legit like that...while packing my stuff i came across something that had made me tear was the only thing my uncle didint destroy that day he killed my was a picture of me my mum and my father...and then we were happy so we had real smile on our faces then...i quickly put the picture down and went down starsi got a drink...a drink usually helped me to stop crying....i dont quite know why....there was a moment of silence and then my apartment door had a knock at it...who is that? i ask myself knowing well no one was suppose to come today that i renember...i answer the door with causion to see....liam i think was his name. " hey" he said with a friendly but kinda shy smile....right he was suppose to come and help...woops i forgot ....anyway i let him in and he somehow notice that i was crying. " why have you been crying, love" he ask with concern in his dark brown eyes...they remind me of my fathers...he had puppy dog eyes lile no other...but lets get back to the story shall we..."nothing family was killed when i was younger and i just saw a happy us when i was young before the dark place began" i said, i noticed he had a look of confusion and understanding but asked nothing about the dark place where my uncle is said to be the right hand man of rhe alpha there....liam brought me back out of my thoughts by asking me if he could help me pack i answered yes and we went to finish packing.

* hours later *

finally done i looked at the clock on my was 8:59pm....that long huh? anyway we got back in the van liam had brought to take stuff to his house where i would be living until i could get another job. with my luck could take awhile... when we got there liam said the boys went out clubing and he didint go cuz he didint feel up to it to day so he showed me my room and told me i could do with it what i want and i love drawing and art so this should be fun....but for now im going to bed night.

*louis pov*

we enter the club...body were rubing agenst each other sweating and rubing...bloody discusting was the fist thing that came to mind when you thought about zayn harry and niall headed straight for the bar and ordered our drinks...after a few everyone decided to stop exept harry he kept going and ended up disappearing later...we soon found him snogging some blond in the corner...dawn they were goin at it pritty heavily after a minute or so zayn said it was time to go and we retrieved hazza and left....liam didint come cuz "he didint feel up to it tonight" and went to help bella with her packing...whwn we got inside the house it was dark so we headed toward our rooms and went to sleep know god danm well we will all have hangovers in the mornin...night!

hey its diana...i havent writen in a while because of school and i was recently sick but i hope you like it so far its my first book im writing...bye...

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