day 3...part1

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yes i skipped a day...oh well....all i did yesterday was unpack my boxes into my room and slept and watched tv...the boys had some stuff to do...they are apparently in this band called one direction and there world famous and whatever and they had a perfume photoshoot today so im home alone....that makes me wonder if there fans know about there howling secret...hmmmm...anyway, today im left with a phone and the wanted adds in the news im siting on a lazy boy chair in the living room turning pages to the "classified" section of the news...lets see... teacher....dont have degree in teaching.....photographer....huh....thats a mabey, lets read more about

it. in need of a assistant photographer for newspaper and for coming celeberties and ect. sounds interesting...defenetly a mabey...lets go through the last two.... cook....not much good at cooking.... recording assistant and at the place that is popular for radio and sound effects....thats a mabey to...i will call them later, right now its lunch time...

*about an hour or so later*

i was in my room planning what it was going to look like...louis and niall were home and watching tv. they said the other went out to buy some paint furniture and other stuff for my room...but for now i was going to work on hanging some pictures on the wall and wall decorations as-well....

*30 min. later*

got the nails in the wall for the stuff i talked about earlier..i finally got paint furniture will be here later on in the week...and the boys went crazy pick what colors they were goin to get for me. they got purple pink light blue and green...defetly get rid of pink...(i hate pink! dont judge me).... purple...i have always wanted either a purple room or a blue room...but i have had quite a few blue rooms in my life time so i will go with purple..never was much of a green person... i then take the rest of the paint exept the purple down stairs to the game room where 3/5 of the boys are was zayn lou and niall playing a game, "hey guys" i said " hey yourselve, love" lou comented while pausing the game to look at me, niall and zayn then turned around to look at me as well giving me small smiles, "i am ready to paint. does any one want to help mabey?" i ask as i smiled back, niall and lou raised there hands quickly while zayn comented "im goin to be buisy, renember i have a girlfriend" oh right hmmm wonder if she was human or non...and how me and zayn, if we are, mates like me to the rest of the boys...oh well he is already taken and i am not geting in the middle of that..."ok, i understand me louis and niall will go ahead and paint" i said while smiling at zayn...hmm....painting with lou and nialler...this should get interesting

howling hearts(one direction werewolves)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt