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Stiles: Yo, Scotty. Hey, yo, Scotty? Still with me?

Scott: Yeah, sorry. Uh, what's the word?

Stiles: "Anachronism."

Scott: Something that exists out of its normal time.

Stiles: Nice. Okay, next word... "incongruous."

Scott: Um, can you use it in a sentence?

Stiles: Yes. Yes, I can. It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet after what just happened... incongruous.

Scott: Out of place, ridiculous, absurd.

Stiles: Perfect. Okay, next word. Um, Darach. Darach, it's a noun. We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for, like, five hours, so why not? Next word... "Intransigent."

Scott: Stubborn, obstinate.

Stiles: Oh, buddy, you okay? We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come.

Scott: We had to. There's safety in numbers.

Stiles: Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre... or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's... all right, Scott, I'm telling coach that...

Scott: No. No, no, no. I'm all right.

Stiles: Well, you don't look all right Would you just let me see it? I understand I'm mad too sad mostly but I'm pissed off I will literally get up and punch that son of a bitc...

Scott: I'm okay. Stiles it's okay

Stiles: It's not okay Scott. Just let me see it, okay?

Scott: Okay.

Scott lifts his shirt to show stiles his open wound.

Stiles: Oh, dude...

Scott: I know it's bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal.

Stiles: How come Boyd and Isaac are fine then? I mean Isaac looks pissed.  So do you we all are. Stiles sits back a tear roles down his face.

Scott: I can't believe there dead. I can't believe Derek and my sister is dead. Scott has tears coming down his face.

Scott: I know where they are.

Derek: Same building as the Argents, we know.

Boyd: Cora and I followed the twins.

Scott: Then they want you to know.

Peter: Or, more likely, they don't care.

Scott: What is this?

Peter: Isn't it obvious? The schemers are scheming, coming up with a coup de main, better known as a pre-emptive strike.

Scott: You're going after them?

Derek: Tomorrow. And you're gonna help us.

Alivia walks in with a shot gun wearing all black.

Alivia: At this moment I really don't care what My dad says but I'm in this one for sure. She cocks the gun. Everyone looks at her confused.

Alivia: Kali whooped my ass the other day so bad that when I got home I blacked out. And I'm a werewolf hunter I have a shot gun keep up. But I prefer claws.

Derek: Your not in this one she could of killed you.

Scott: And why am I just hearing about this.

Alivia MccallWhere stories live. Discover now