Chapter 1 - The Beginning Of Troubles

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"Oh man that guy can run"

.I kept running, but he was fast, I wasn't sure if I could keep up anymore


Yo, I'm hungry"- said always! " let's go grab some food ,I'm really in the mood for a " burgers" ,she said . "Na, I'm going home I can practically hear my bed calling my name high school is tough you know." I said.

"Oh come on Liz I'm starving! do you really prefer spending your time hanging out with your folks than with me?! your most fabulous, amazing and clearly stunning BFF? " , "trust me the only thing i'm going to hang out with is my bed...Mycroft is working or at least what ever he calls work anyways...and Shey is most probably busy with another criminal case." I said

"...Liz I recall you telling me that Shey didn't want to this anymore since you know what"

I thought about Shey and me and how much agony we went trough when he died, I loved him so much, he was like an uncle to me. it was difficult

" Yes I know and it's true" I said " but lately thing have changed, Sherlock is doing it for him now, to commemorate his memory, that was his last request..." I said hardly

.Suddenly I felt drops of water gently falling down my face, I was crying

.I miss you Dr. Watson, I miss you a lot

.All we could hear was the whistling of the wind and the sound of silence

.We both knew this topic is highly sensitive, so we dropped it , hugged each other and moved on

* * * * *

- Now let me introduce myself

Hi I'm Elizabeth Mary Holmes - Liz for short and im 16.5 years old going to be 17 very soon, the meaning of my name is special, we'll get to that later

Tiffany is my best friend, well my only true friend really, and let's just say that our "relationship" is complex

Both of us have different "roles" in it . I'm considered the tough girl who pretty much despises the "girly" world, for example: fashion, make up, hair stuff and all the other crappy things that have to do with the feminine things in general, but my dear friend is what society today call... A "beauty Guru" and a "Fashioniste" ,also including the fact she has a youtube channel that is all about the crapy things etc... but despite all that ,this weird complex friendship is the most amazing friendship ever!

Tiffany and I went trough a lot together, builing , abuse, and lots lots of shit.
she is my best friend and I love her with all of my heart, I like to think about our friendship as "sisters from another mother ." funny, I know...

.Yet...she drives me crazy, her most famous lines are: " Liz, you, me , mall, now!" a nightmare "I'm going home Tiff", I said " But Liz I wanna go.." ,
" Listen" I said "I'm going home, now, I'm exhausted, I promise I'll make it up to you"

" Ok, so at 6 O'clock - MALL!"

In that moment I knew I made a huge mistake, Lord help me!

" I have a better idea, at 6 O'clock wee'll go to 'Ben's ice cream Bar' our favorite"

"Fine, but tomorrow you, me, mall!"

"k, that 's pretty fair"
"promise??" "promise"

...We exchanged goodbyes and I went home

* * * * * * * *

On my way back I passed through the main street which u need to pass in order to get to my street...221 B Backer St.
a well known fact, the legendary detectives live there.
and I am not just living in the same street as them, in the same building as then...I live WITH them.
they adopted me, you'll understand  later.

After you finish passing through the main street - Big Ben st. you get to an interesting dangerous intersection with 2 possible paths.
one is the Hiles st. It's the most amazing street there's in London, in my opinion.
The street is illuminated by beautiful and glittering lights hanging from every building
All the street lamps were wrapped in a sea-colored cloth shell.
And the sidewalks were clean and polished as the floor of Buckingham palace.
But it takes longer If choose to pass there.
The second one is a st. named Marks st. but some people call it "the crime zone" for a reason this street is infested with dangerous, deadly criminals.
You can imagine how it looks I don't even need to describe it, whatever you think it looks like is most probably correct.
And if you chose to pass through you usually go in knowing the risk you may never come back.

Surprisingly, people still choose that way despite all the warnings to stay away, actually it's not surprising at all.
You can't stop your every day life just because it's a sketchy street, Sometimes you have no choice but to pass there when that's your only option.

I turned to the right and entered.

While I was walking all my senses were sharp and " wide awake".

The Holmes brothers have a special talent as you all know: the ability to look at a person and be able to tell his life story and everything about him only by one look, one look!!
crazy isn't it?

.They can find a person's week spot also by one look.
And that is only a tiny bit of what they're really capable of.

Living with them for 17 years rubs on you some of their abilities and talents, so I can also sense if something suspicious is about to happen.

So while I was walking I felt someone behind me, following my steps, I turned around and saw a guy standing behind me and he looked like he was ready to "play games" my only thought was 'ok it's about time to release my powers too', I was ready to "play'" as well.

.'Losing is not an option Liz' I said to my self.
get ready fella, you have't met Elizabeth Mary Holmes'

What do you think guys??

do you like it?

tell me if I should continue the story

love you all!!!

Liz Holmes *the Light Stone*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora