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Weeks had passed, We were so happy, We lived like we are husband and wife.

You cooked for me, you took care of me, you cleaned the house, you always do the house chores, and treating me like a queen.

I was going downstairs when I saw you from afar, you were talking to someone on the phone again.

You were so angry, you were shouting, like when we broke up. I was so nervous to take another step closer to you.

You hung up the call and you pulled your hair and I saw you tearing up. That's when I went close to you.

"What happened? "

I asked you and you just stood up and hugged me.

"Jimin, I'm so sorry"

You said repeatedly to me, and I don't even know why, I just comforted you and waited for you to calm down.

We ate and cleaned up our dishes. You still didn't mention anything to me until we went to our bedroom.

We were already laying in the bed, your hands are on my waist, you rested your chin in my shoulder.

"Jimin, we need to go back. "

You suddenly said and I cannot bare to tear up.

Are we not really meant to be, Xiumin?

Do You Still Remember, Xiumin?Where stories live. Discover now