I hop on the back seat as my 'mom' went shot gun as my dad drives.

Soon we arrive at (Mcdonalds)some diner,we took a place as a waiter heads his way to us "can I take your order?"he asks holding some paper and a pen with a smile on his face.

"We'll have the family set,please and also Y/N,what else do you want?"my dad ask as I order F/F "I'll be back to bring your order"and with that,the waiter leaves as my 'parents' started to talk to each other.

"So,Y/N,hows school?"my mother asks. I kept silent as they waited for me to respond but I never did. The eerie silence only broke when the waiter arrived with a tray

"Here you go,folks,enjoy the food"he says,giving a friendly smile as he winked at me before leaving us to eat,the food here was delicious so I didnt say anything and just ate "mmh,this is delicious,we should come here more often"my dad says "so,you're saying my food isnt enough?" My 'mom' says playfully "oh no,its unique...in a good way"he says before they both start laughing.


It was heard through the restaurant as a guy with a mask on shot our waiter from earlier as everyone screams in fear

"SHUT UP,NOW I WANT EVERYONE TO PUT ALL WHAT YOU GOT IN THIS SACK"more robbers started to fill in the room with sacks as people ducked as if for safety

I slowly went to the restroom and went in a stall and locked it,I took off my sweater and put on my mask and cape from my sling bag 'Time for some action'

I look around and saw a vent as a smirk crept on my face,I open it and crawl in,it was dark but it had a little light,just enough for me to see,up ahead I could see a light and it came from the main part of the restaurant where the costumers were held hostages

'Time for my grand entrance'

I open the vent and jump out of it as I pose when my feet touches the ground,I saw my parents holding each other as my dad looks around,probably looking for me

"Stop your foolishness and pay for your crimes,you fiends!!"I giggle inside 'This is fun' he growls "Just who the fuck are you,kid?dont play games with us or you'll end up like that guy!"he points at the dead waiter

I look at him then back at the villain "a hero may be afraid but they should have enough courage to save everyone!"I say determinedly "I am Mystic,defender of the citizens in the night,you shall pay for your crimes!!"I ran as fast as I can towards him and barely dodges the bullet,once I git near him,I round-house kick him that sent him flying away for a few feet as his other other companions stared in shock but soon all had came towards me while throwing punches and kicks as I blocked them,I punch and kick them all so hard that it sent them a few feet away,I was so distracted that I forgot about the one that I round-housed as he punch me that sent me flying as I hit a table.

The poor table didnt do anything and now its broken,I grunt at the aching pain all over my body as I try to stand up "hehe,your hero days are over,kid"he says before pointing a gun at me


I look infront of me to see Mysterionkick the guy sideways as the bullet almost hits a person "glad to see my partner is still alive or else I would have become the town's loved hero- oh wait,that too is something wonderful"he says playfully "hey!"I laugh as he laughs too before pulling me up to my feet "ok,lets do this"

We started to fight them one by one,until they gave up,just in time as the cops came busting in late as always (no offence but this is a fanfic) "FREEZE" they stare at the scene before processing all of it and arresting the criminals while the guy that got shot was taken to the hospital

"Well,I should thank you guys for the one on the jewel shop and for here,you both have done a lot,thank you,perhaps we could repay you by free food at a different dine?"a cop officer says

"Uhh,Mysterion can go without me 'cause Im...Injured,yeah a bullet scratched through my sides earlier so I cant go,you dont have to worry about it though,its nothing serious"I say quite quickly,I couldnt go when my parents are still here looking for me,it would be weird if I disappear for long

Myterion gives me a look of confusion as I return it with a look that says 'just go along with it' "y-yes,Mystic needs rest though,I can take you up on that offer"Mysterion says to the cop as the cop looks worried before turning into a happy smile "GREAT,then I'll call you when we're done here"he says before walking away

"So I guess..you should go?"he says quite hesitantly as I laugh a little "yep,I should get going now,cya next time,bud"I pat his shoulder as he walks towards the other police who caught hold of the robbers . I walk in the stall where I left my sling bag and sweater as I start to wear them again and put my cape and mask in

"Sweetie,where have you been!?we were worried sick about you!"my mom says as she saw me walk towards them as she quickly hugs me. I awkwardly return the gesture "I was just in the restroom"I didnt actually lie since I was in the restroom

They just nod as my mom let go "lets all go home?"my dad ask as I nod

Before we could get out of the diner,I saw Mysterion looking straight at me as I get through the open door.


(Completed)Its Not Over●Mysterion X Reader ●South Park● FanficWhere stories live. Discover now