TEAM out law

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In the beginning of the rebellion fighting back. There were teams that would help the world. Like Jupiter, saber, and kobra the teams that are known. But there were two more teams one did get fame like the others but the team that were always in the shadows. They were team outlaw. A team made up of four people all either outcasts or jail birds.

Nighthowler- a want to be super hero and leader of team outlaw. He may look and act like a fan boy but he holds alot of power but does not know it.

Mad maw- a mad man who loves children but one of or maybe be the best battle mage's out there.

Mick law- a cowboy with a dead eye and quick finger. A deadly man in all range's.

Andy out- the dead member of outlaw and the reason team outlaw broke up and hate eachother.

The team worked in the shadows and were good at there job. But when they got at each others necks the only person who held them together was andy but when a fight got really heated she killed her self. Felling grief the team left and never looked back. As they started working in the shadows were they made a blood oth to kill each other if they ever cross paths.

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