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Everything was fine the world was ok in some departments but it was peaceful. It was tell one side formed a rebellion and started attacking the good people. Which started two wars each time the rebellion growing each war. Now the third war is provoked and this may be the war that holds the fait of the world. So shall we begin.

Trixy estate

Trixy- what do you mean!?

This hear is trixy. She is 24 years of age with long blond hair and blue eyes. She is 5'6.

Rex- it what i said you can't go.

This guy is rex. He is 34 with short black hair and emerald eyes. He is 6'2. And the commander of the group.

Rex- remember what happened last time?

Trixy- so what if i blow up the enemy base!

Rex- you blow up the enemy base with the intell in side.

Trixy- at least it was not a a person!

Rex- the intell was a man!

Trixy- ohh yea.

Rex- your staying here and thats final!

Rex walked out as he slamed the door.

Time skip (shady waves bar)

Lekcy- so boys hows life?

This shady women is lekcy. She has long red hair with maching eyes. Usually never seen without lipstick.

The three figures just stared in silence.

Lekcy- great now i heard you owed the boss a favor. Am i right.

Again they stood in silence.

Lekcy- so the boss wants you three to sneak into a base we found and kill every one in it.

The three men turned to each other and nodded.

Lekcy- great! Meet back here and some one will bring you to the boss when it done.

The three didn't say anything as they turned into crows and flew off.

Ok guys 1 chapter done hoped you liked it. Anyway lets march on to the next chapter base

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