Isabella could smell the panic flowing off of Erica and she knew that she needed to help her. She slowly unlatched her hand from Scott's and began walking forward cautiously towards the wall. Isabella stepped on the mat quietly and walked up until she was right underneath Erica's frozen body.

Erica was shaking and crying as she quietly whispered to herself in a panicked tone,"Oh please..."

Isabella was prepared to catch her if she fell, she would be there if anything happened. She was prepared to help her in any way she could.

Erica's crying had brought Coach over to the wall, next to Isabella. He looked up at Erica with worry and began shouting up at her," Erica?! Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

Isabella glared over at him and was about to tell him that she epileptic, but Lydia had beat her to it.

Lydia walked onto the mat and came up behind Coach Finstock, looking up at Erica sympathetically," Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out."

Isabella turned to Lydia and shook her head angrily, using her hands to make air quotes towards Lydia," She's not " Freaking out"! She epileptic, for god's sake. I just came to Beacon Hills last year and I know that. How does no one else know? It's not safe up there for her. For a genius, Lydia, you sure act dumb sometimes."

Coach began freaking out as Isabella's words processed in his mind. He had been negligent to the fact that Erica was epileptic, he didn't even think he knew.

Coach Finstock threw his hands up angrily and shouted out to his students,"Why doesn't anyone tell me this stuff?!"

Isabella glared at him and said angrily through her teeth, " You're the teacher, we shouldn't have to be the ones to tell you. You should know."

Isabella waved him off with her hand after she had effectively shut him up with her words. She had this, she didn't need his help. Surprisingly, Coach Finstock didn't argue with her dismissal of him and nodded his head at her in understanding. He was giving her the go ahead because he had no idea how to help, she on the other hand did.

Isabella turned away from him and slowly looked back up to Erica as she said calmly, " Hey, Erica? It's me, Isabella Hale. I know you don't really know me but,uh-I'm right underneath you. I'll catch you, I promise. All you have to do is push off. Can you do that Erica? "

Erica looked over her shoulder at Isabella with her panicked brown eyes and nodded her head shakily. She gripped onto the rope of her harness with her right hand and slowly pushed her left hand off the wall.

As Erica approached the ground, Isabella grabbed her hips gently and brought her the rest of the way down. She had done this to show her that she was there for her. When Erica's feet hit the ground, Isabella backed off and let go of her. She was giving her space to calm herself, something Erica had appreciated tremendously.

The whole class stared at Isabella in awe as she smiled at Erica gently. Erica didn't return the smile, she instead brought her gaze to the ground in embarrassment. On the inside she was grateful for Isabella, she just couldn't say it.

Isabella understood Erica's behavior and didn't take the lack of smile to heart as she turned to the rest of the class, " I think you should continue with class, Coach. Let Erica shake it off. "

Coach Finstock nodded his head at her and looked down to his board to look for two new names. While he tried to pick the names, the whole class minus Scott, Lydia, Allison, Stiles and Isabella began giggling at an embarrassed  Erica.

Isabella frowned when she heard it and immediately turned to Erica to gauge her reaction. She watched as humiliation came over Erica's face and her eyes became glossy. Erica then began making her way through the crowd of people hurriedly before breaking out into a run when she got through them. This just increased the amount of laughter in the room.

Safe Haven// Scott McCall 2 {UNDER HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now