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Eric is Calling....

*Ladybird reluctantly answers*

Oh my god it's been a while

Yeah like a month....

Haha sorry, someone stole my phone and I finally got it back recently, which is lucky I guess

Wait did you say someone stole your phone

Yeah I did

When did it get stolen, like do you remember the date

I think it was a few days after I talked to you about my sister why ?

Oh my god, someone called me, from you're phone, and the person low-key sounded like they were dying, I thought it was you because who else would call from your phone, anyways I got really annoyed because 'you' didn't speak at all

Well shit, it must of been the guy that stole my phone

How did you get it back anyways

Actually my friend found it, it was just pure luck, so anyways he sees this guy on my phone, at first he doesn't notice anything weird, but then he recognises the background, because I'm a cocky bastard and therefore it's my sexy face, also I have this panda phone case which he recognised, so he put two and two together and managed to get my phone back from him

Well isn't that lucky

Yeah it is, especially now that I can talk to you again, honestly you make my day brighter

That's so cheesy

Whatever *laughs* so Ladybird how have you been

I've been ok

Just ok ?

Was that a bad answer

No, it wasn't

Say do you wanna.... actually never mind

Alright then?

Yeah, so I gotta go, I'll talk to you later though ok

Oh....ok, bye Ladybird

Bye Eric

*Ladybird hangs up*

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