"Sam? What are you doing here" he asked as he looks at the now recognizable bucky who is taking up the seat, lightly snoring.

"we always go for jogs in the mornings together" natasha smiles at me

"that's if we can wake this sack of potatoes up" sam rolls his eyes while kicking bucky in the side earning a laugh from us and a groan from bucky.

"I'm up, I'm up- Stevie!" bucky smiles jumping up from his seat.

"hey buck, nice to see your awake, and thanks for those hundreds of text messages you left me to read" steve rolls his eyes smiling at his best friend.

"in my defence, there was only 94 messeges." he begins as Sam and Natasha roll there eyes "and you could've stopped it all by just texting me back" bucky

"I was busy buck, some people actually have lives that they would like to experience"

"that, for one, is a lame excuse and two, it was one simple text messeges but nooo"

"ok ok you two, i didn't get out of bed at 5 in the mornibg to listen to you blabber on like an old married couple" yawns Natasha.

"shes right, wanna join us Rogers?"

"i couldn't pass up the opportunity to see bucky actually run" steve jokes punching bucky on the shoulder as the others laugh and bucky pushes steve back playfully.

The group started their run and about 2 laps of the park later they stopped as Sam collapsed on the closest park bench.

"now who's the sack of potatoes" bucky chuckled catching his breath

"still you" Sam smirked as bucky glared him down.

"well I better get going if I'm gonna make it to school on time" steve chimes in, not needing smriti catch his breath and only just breaking a sweat.

"good point, I'll head to Stevies house with him and tashi you can pick us up on your way to school" bucky smiled "and besides I haven't seen your mum in what seems like forever"

Nat rolled her eyes at buckys comment and bucky gave her a sweet smile "fine, but if you two aren't out of your house by 8:15 on the dot I'm driving away."

"we better head off then" Steve chuckled and bucky nodded saying their goodbyes as he pulled steve out of the park and down the street towns Steves new house.

Steve opened the door letting bucky in first closing the door behind him. "Steve is that you?" Steves mum, Sarah poked her head out of the kitchen, surprised to see an old familiar face "James?!" she quickly exists the kitchen embracing the boy in a tight hug "its been too long! How's Rebecca she must be 13 or something now and how about your mother, I've heard she has had two more girls?"

"Ms Rogers! It's great to see you, mum's doing great. And, well Rebeccas 14 now and the twins, Jessica and Rosie are 3" bucky smiles breaking the hug.

"I'm going to have to rush out now, it was great seeing you and tell your mother that we must catch up soon. Oh and steve I'm probably going to be home later then usual, I just got a call saying they're down staff so I'll need to fill in" Sarah sames kissing Steve and bucky on the cheek and heading out the door.

"i keep telling her to slow down but she never listens" steve chuckles heading into the kitchen.

"well it must have been hard to lose your dad" bucky noted leaning against the wall.

"we didn't lose him he left us. And yes but that was when I was 5. I'm old enough to help out now so she doesn't have to take on so many shifts" Steve says with worry. "anyway, Ill grab you a towel and you can have a shower because e you stink dude"

"oh come on it's not that bad" bucky laughs catching a towel steve had chucked at him.

"what ever, I'll lend you a shirt now hurry up or Nat with kick both of our asses" steve rolled his eyes and the two got ready for school just in time to hear Nat honk her horn.

Bucky rushed out with his bag swung over his shoulder, while Steve locked the door and walked down to the run down car.

Bucky opens the front door to the old car once he sees Sam has sat in the back. "uh no mister" Nat stopped bucky before he could get in.

"um why not?"

"because last time you where in my front seat, you and Sam had Brought a tray of Nacho cheese" she stopped to glare at Sam "and we all know what happened there, now you take a seat in the back"

Bucky sighed and sat in the back as Steve got in to the front seat. And just before Steve could even close his door, natasha pulled out if the drive way and sped down the street.

"i have one more stop to make before we can get to school" Nat smiled as she pulled into another drive way and honked her horn twice. Someone quickly emerges from the house, running to the car. As he got closer steve recognised the guy.

"hey dork" natasha greeted the boy as he closed his door and Nat sped down the street again.

"hey Clint" Steve smiled looking back at the boy who was being  squashed by the two larger guys.

"sup Rogers, thanks for the ride T" Clint smiled

"and why did you need a ride, I thought that nerd friend of yours-" Sam started as Steve quickly interrupted him

"his name is Tony" Steve said a little to defensive towards his friend.

"well I couldn't get a hold of him and he was late to my house"

"is he OK??" steve said, just a little to eager for an answer which earnt confused looks from his fellow passengers.

"dunno, but Bruce couldn't even get intouch with him" Clint shrugged "im sure he's fine, he does this sometimes,  just disappears."

The car fell silent, Steves mind kept drifting to Tony, he was worried. After peppers party, Tony hadn't been the same. But as Tony had said, it was none of his business and steve had to respect that. But Steve just had to know if his friend was alright.

So I used a different writing style for this but I may just stick with using Povs because that's a little easier.

But thoughts on this chapter?
On Steve and buckys friendship?
On Steves lifestyle?

I really want to add Buckys sister Rebecca into this but also add two other siblings. Thoughts on that?

I really love all the comments you are all leaving!! It makes me feel happy that you are enjoying this story! And it gives me more motivation to write more.

I hope you all enjoyed! Please vote and comment to let me know you like this story! <3


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