Chapter 20 - Of All People

Start from the beginning

Who am I kidding? I'm about as much to lose my feelings for the man as Mr. Filch loses his adoration for his feline.

After selecting a couple of tomes, mostly muggle literature and healing books, as Renee had no plans to read 'Harrowing Harpies' or 'Flying Frogcanons of the Far East' on her leisure time, she left the bookshop, but not without saying her thanks and goodbyes to Jack. She was walking back to the castle when she saw the familiar figures of George and Luna, and made her way to catch up with the pair.

"Hey!" Renee called them both and inserted herself between the two.

"Hello, Renee! Lovely to see you out here," Luna greeted.

"Hey yourself," George said. "How are you, Renee?"

"I'm fine. Tell me you both are too."

"Yup, we're still in one piece," Luna commented cheerfully.

Renee looked at George thoughtfully, who was unusually quiet. "Are you mad at me, George?"

"Not particularly, no. Just confused is all. And a bit disappointed. I thought you liked him back." George shrugged.

"Which is why I need to talk to him! He didn't even hear me out." she pressed.

"With the way he told me how you rejected him, I don't think he needs to hear you out."

Renee frowned. "That's not quite fair, is it?"

"You stringing him on for a long time isn't fair, Renee." George said quietly.

"I didn't string him on, alright?" she frustratingly countered. "Look, I just need for him to hear me out one last time. If he still doesn't want to talk to me after that, then I won't ever bother you guys again."

"You guys are talking about Fred, aren't you? My, poor bloke. He's been looking so sully since Valentine's. I think you need to reassure his self-worth, Renee." Luna stated casually.

You don't say, Luna.

George sighed. "Alright. I'll ask him if he wants to meet up with you. I'll take care of the setting; I know how nosy our little schoolmates can get."

Renee smiled. "That's all I need. Thank you, George."

"Please don't crush him completely. The bloke's fragile enough as he is. He still loves you, you know. But now that you've... never mind."

Renee knew they all thought of her now as mean, deceitful, and a user, basically all things Slytherin, yet she also knew that she needed to prove them wrong. They were completely mistaken of who she really was, since all they did was base her character on that one unfortunate incident, and she wanted to set things straight as soon as possible.

Renee tugged the redhead's arm. "One more chance, George? I'm not like that. For Godric's sake, you've been hanging out with me for over five months. You know I'm not like that."

"I know. Just making sure." George assured. "You're going to have to convince the others, though."

"I will."


"I need you."

"Knight to G-seven. Filch, I'd like to acquire your input on this one. What would you have done if someone was to tell you that he or she needed you?" Severus asked perfunctorily.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about, Snape? Needed in what way? King to D-eight," Filch asked, confused by the wizard's oddly-timed question.

"Actually, I am not even quite sure. Perhaps it was meant to be relayed in a rhetorical manner," the professor hypothesized.

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