Chapter 3- "Lieing to a Face"

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An ebony figure had stepped out of the stand in shower of a beautifully white porcelain bathroom, his hands grabbing a white fluffy towel as he dried himself off. Ruffling his quills to dry them, he then hung up the towel and grabbed a pair of boxers and went to his bedroom. His ears perked as he heard his phone ding as a text was received. Curiously, he grabbed the small handheld device and looked at the lock screen. The image that showed was of Sonic and him at Sonic's 17th birthday three years ago. He smiled warmly at that before he noticed the text was actually coming from Sonic; Opening the message he read it.
*Hey Shadow? I have a favor to ask you.*
Shadow blinked before typing on the touchscreen phone of his reply.
*Sure Faker. What is it?*
He waited briefly before the message came back up.
*Tails and Knuckles are trying to butt in on what I am doing and I told them that I was learning to shoot wild game with you... is it possible this Saturday we can pretend to be practicing since they want to watch me to believe me...?*
Shadow grew more curious.
*Sure. How about 1pm on Saturday? Work for you?*
Sonic's reply took a tad longer before it popped up.
*That is actually perfect! 1pm on Saturday, alrighty, well I'm going to bed now. Don't do something crazy now Alright?*
Shadow smirked, crazy? What about him! He is the one trying to lie to his two best friends/brothers about disappearing and what not.

After ending the conversation, Shadow set the phone down and read the clock,"Hmm... it's only 7:30pm, might as well get to bed. I gotta leave early for a meeting at the HQ." He mumbled to himself. He laid down in bed and covered himself up, closing his eyes as he fell asleep. The pale light of dawn came through the next morning and shined onto the ebony male's eyelids. He woke slowly and stretched, giving a long yawn before moving to go get dressed. He picked out a fine suit and put it on, fiddling slightly with the neck tie and then proceeding downstairs to fix himself some breakfast. Opening a cabinet or two, Shadow decided he'd settle for a simple quick fixing breakfast of a toaster strudel. Pulling the toaster out and then moving to the freezer, he grabbed the box of strawberry cream cheese strudels and proceeded to put two of the frozen goods into the toaster. He then got two icing packets and put them in a small cup of warm water and sat down at the table and waited. His fingers curled around the handle of his mug that said 'I'm the Coolest' in big bold text. He sipped casually at his morning coffee and his ear flicked when the toaster popped. Setting his coffee down and getting up, he grabbed his two icing packets and a small plate and put his strudels on it. He went back to the table and then squeezed the small packets until both pastries were covered in the white drizzle. After 15 minutes or so, breakfast was done and over with, the ebony looked at his clock to see it was about 9am and his meeting was at 11am. Sighing, he then grabbed his things and put his shoes and gloves on, grabbing his car keys, phone, and wallet and a rider's jacket and left the house. He turned the key that locked his home and went to his garage, hoping into his nice and shiny BMW X5 and began to drive off. His mind was blank until he turned the radio on and flicked through the stations until he came across a song called 'Break' by Three Day's Grace. Listening as the song began, Shadow then decided to sing as well.
"Break! Away from everybody!
Break! Away from everything!
If you can't stand the way this place is!
To higher places!
Oooooh oh oh oh oh~"
He jammed happily along, his eyes fixed on the road and then turned into the parking lot to GUN's HQ. Parking his car in his reserved spot, he got out and locked his car and moved inside. He entered the main lobby and used his card key to get into the highly secured areas until he got to the conference room. Opening the door calmly, he looked to see he was the first to arrive. The room was made of a form of modern sleek meant for the wealthy. The black leather office chairs fitting the well fancy design and the conference table top was made of a hard glass. A large projector hung from the ceiling in the center of the room and the lens was pointed to a large white screen on one end of the room. Decorative plants were in six center points of the room and three trash cans were lined against a wall next to the plants. Shadow closed the door and went to take his place along the office chairs and sat down, pulling out his phone while he browsed the daily news letter. Five minutes had gone by and his ears twitched when he heard someone come in. Turning, he looked to see a well dressed white bat wall into the room, her obvious seductive charms showing as her cleavage showed noticeably. She walked over and sat down next to him,"Good morning Shadow~" she smiled casually at the dark furred male. Shadow gave his usual huff before returning to his device, his fingers typing into some boxes that signed him into his email,"Good morning Rouge." He calmly greeted. Rouge smiled to him before working with her nails, filing and then polishing them so they were a pretty magenta color. Shadow ignored her and continued about until half an hour had passed and the meeting went underway.
The commander stood in front of everyone,"Thank you for coming everyone. Today we must discuss our latest developments in one of our projects, SW-001. She had just grown stable and currently has gained more power." He started, showing slideshows of the said project and then her testing results. He turned to a scientist that worked in that field and questioned,"Care to explain more on why we called this meeting?" He asked, raising a brow as the scientist nodded gleefully. Shadow gave a quiet and distasteful snort as the scientist looked exactly like the definition of nerdy. The nasally sounding voice coming from the human only confirmed that stereotype,"Y-Yes Commander Towers. Project SW-001 is indeed developing nicely, but her growth is rapidly increasing. Soon we must have her out of her testing chamber and then her training to be an assassin will begin." He spoke as others in the room wrote down notes. Towers nodded, pleased at the newest status given and then allowed him to sit down. The meeting lasted an hour or two before finishing and assignments were given. Shadow was relieved he hadn't gotten any missions and was relieved for the day. Getting into his car, he started driving home when an ambulance had sped by with sirens blaring. Shadow's eyes widened and decided to follow it.

Something was telling him that
something was wrong.

(Sorry for being so inactive, I have been very busy!!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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