Chapter 1- "Worry"

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Why won't the pain go away?
It just continues to pester and boil inside my heart...
Why did you do this to me...?
Why Amy...?
Don't you love me anymore...?

The famous Sonic The Hedgehog thought as he curled into a ball on his large bed. He couldn't take the pain that consistently burned in his heart, causing him to take hold of the razor on his bedside. The silver blade glistened as the reflection of the sun beamed through the curtains and made a small line of light over the blue hedgehog's arm. Scars littered up and down both peach arms, swollen as they were constantly reopened and reopened by many doses of the razor digging into his soft flesh. His cheeks wet from the tears the burned on his eyelids, he slid the blade once more into his arm. The blood flowing and creating a small puddle on the floor at his bare feet. His trademark shoes laying lazily at the end of the bed showed the countless years they had gone through with the hero. Continuing to cry of the pain in his heart, he continued to cut his arm until the pain eased and let him breathe. Feeling content, he stood up and padded to the bathroom connected directly to his bedroom and flipped he switch to the light above the small pale blue bathroom. The trash can next to the toilet was filled with bloody tissues from his constant cutting, now harboring the next set of bloody tissues of today's cutting. Giving a shaky breath, he wrapped his arms in gauze and stood up, looking into the mirror. He stared at the soulless shell he turned into as he noticed how thin he had grown due to not eating as much as he used to, his body was slowly hollowing until his bones showed more visibly and his cheeks begun to sink into his skull. He grabbed his blow dryer and puffed up his fur until it looked like he wasn't eating his proper fill. Moving his numb feet to his closet he grabbed a pair of sweats and a sweater with a blue magpie on it saying 'It's a birdie-ful day today!'. Putting on the clothing he then slipped on his socks and his shoes and proceeded to go downstairs, smelling the scent of freshly made pancakes from the kitchen. Sonic poked his head through the doorway leading into the kitchen and saw his little brother Tails cooking up a big breakfast. The Kitsune turned and smiled, his twin tail waving in greeting,"Morning Sonic! Want some?" He asked with his usual smile. Sonic nodded,"Just a pancake and a couple eggs... I'm not too hungry this morning..." he said, flashing his trademark smile before sitting down at the finely made wooden table. The kitchen itself looked like it was from a cabin, the cabinets were made of dark oak wood and the counter was made with spruce and the countertop had a pretty seashell patterned marble slab on it. The walls were formed like the inside of a cabin while the living room had a similar design. It was a beautiful home to say the least and came the home a woodsy flare to it. Tails smiled and nodded, laying a plate of pancakes and a couple eggs in front of his brother. Sonic stared at his plate for a few moments before taking the mildly sweet pancakes and the sugary syrup in a bite, marveling at how fluffy the cooked pancakes were,"Mmm!! Tails you really do know how to make a good pancake!" He exclaimed with a smile that could only be done by him. Tails laughed,"Careful! Don't eat too fast or you'll choke." He joked, sitting down with his own meal. Sonic barely heard his friend's playful warning and took a much bigger bite, starting to choke a little before recovering and swallowing the large bite,"Phew!" He chuckled before devouring the rest of his meal. Getting up and placing his dishes in the sink, Sonic turned back to his friend,"I'm heading out. Be back later ok?" He said. Tails nodded and continued to eat his meal,"Go ahead, I'm going to the Workshop after breakfast anyway to do more modifications on the Tornado." He said with a bigger smile. Sonic gave a brief nod and sped out the door, leaving a secretly worried fox in the kitchen.

Tails waited a few minutes before getting up and calling Knuckles, he knew Knuckles was the only other person besides himself as he knows of that can help their blue friend get out of what is going on. His ear perked as he heard the click signaling the phone had been picked up and a groggy male voice broke through the quiet phone,"Hello...?" He grumbled. Tails perked slightly at Knuckles's voice, the hot-headed echidna had a special meaning to the golden fox that others could say was not there,"Hey Knuckles... It's Tails." The worried voice of the young fox jolted the male echidna on the other end awake. Knuckles blushed and gripped the phone tighter,"Oh! Morning Tails! Um, what's going on?" He asked with concern, he wanted to keep a low profile about his crush on Tails. Only Rogue knew of the romantic thoughts Knuckles had for the younger male. Tails's stressed sigh was heard on the phone,"I'm worried about Sonic... He's not eating like he used to and he's either locked up in his room or disappearing for countless hours... and I don't mean the usual hours... like weeks on end type of hours..." the young fox said, his ears folded back to show his concern as his free non-gloved hand caressed his twin tails. Knuckles thought for a few, True it was unlike Sonic to disappear for a week without a single word, and to lock himself in his own room was even more unlike the speedster! The echidna took a breath,"Alright, I'll be over in a bit. We need to get to the bottom of what's wrong with him... He can't just torture us like this!" The red male declared. He perked when he heard the worried Kitsune on the other end giggle as his enthusiasm began to cheer him up.

An hour had gone by and Knuckles finally got to the place Sonic and Tails were living in. The massive brute then knocked on the door and slowly went inside, seeing a golden fox curled up in his twin tails. His white muzzle was stained gray from tears he had been shedding. Knuckles closed the front door and walked over to Tails, sitting down and pulled the worried canine closer to him. Tails could feel the strong, welcoming arms of Knuckles bring him closer and he did not object. He secretly wanted this type of affection from the large male and enjoyed every time he did this for him. Burying his white muzzle to the echidna's chest, he began to sob quietly, feeling the large hand of Knuckles rub his fluffy back. Knuckles looked down at the golden fox, his violet eyes soft and loving as he wanted nothing more then to hug Tails and kiss him as if he was his. Sadly, that day would have to wait.

Tails concern for Sonic comes first.

What did you all think? Not bad for the first chapter of the story huh? Yes there will be Knuxails in this story.

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